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\_____ \____/ ___________ |____ \ |__
| | \ \ \ \ \/ | _ \ | \
|_____ /_ /____ /_ /\ _|___|_ /___ /
EDGE V1.70
This section will tell you how to use the AmigaGuide Help for Edge.
AmigaGuide is a "hypertext" program to let you jump back and forth at
random in a text file. You may read things sequentially, or you may browse
in any subject you care to, and return to where you left off immediately.
Simply click on any words that looks like a gadget, and you will jump to
the place that explains the subject related to that word. If you
double-click on ANY word that happens to be represented by a "hypertext
node", then AmigaGuide will jump you there. If there is no word listed,
the screen will flash and a "can't find" message will appear. Try clicking
on requesters or double clicking on the word; "requesters", and you will
see the results are the same.
There are headings in the help window to let you return to the table of
contents or jump back (Retrace) step by step to where you have been
already. At any time you may simply "Browse" forward or backward through
the file.
When Edge is open, you may press the Help key at any time, and the Amiga
Guide Help file will open to the area that will explain the relevant
subject. For instance, if a requester is open, and you need help in
deciding how to answer it, press help and the explanation of that requester
will appear in the window. You may of course use the hypertext
capabilities to jump around once you are in the Edge Help file. The help
system is asynchronous, which means that you can have it running and still
use the editor. To return to the Edge program to take up where you left
off, simply activate the window you were working with.
General Conventions and Syntax
The Edge Window Status Line
Once the Edge Window opens, it displays a status information line which may
be on the top or bottom of the window depending on the GlobalEnvFlags flag
in GlobalEnvVars, accessable in WindowSettings.
The information line contains, from left to right:
Line number L:2 means Line number 2.
Column number C:4 means Column number 4.
Letter I or O I=Insert typing mode; O=Overstrike typing mode.
Immediately next to I or O is a letter or a blank to tell whether the
numeric keypad cursor keys are active or not.
K=ON; blank=OFF
The decimal ASCII character code of the character under the cursor.
For example: 77 = decimal character code for "M"
Number of Lines #L:40 is a 40 line file
File size (bytes) Size:714 means a file size of 714 bytes
Number of changes Chng:9 means you have made 9 changes to the file
since opening/last saving it
Page number Pg:1 means you are on page 1 of the document
Page Line number PLn:5 means you are on line 5 of the current page
The format of the status line is defined in the MiscTexts: section in the
Text configuration file.
At the lower right hand corner is a size gadget. Click, hold, and drag to
resize the window.
General Syntax and Conventions of Edge
Edge has a number of equivalent actions that you may perform to select a
checkbox, or activate a string gadget, or perform a menu function.
If You Previously Assigned Edge:
If you happen to have made an assignment of Edge: to some path or other,
it will change the name shown in the Edge window to Edge2. It will also
change the name of the ARexx port(s) of Edge and its windows. Generally it
will append a "2" to the end of all named objects to do with Edge. If
Edge2 also exists a "3" will be appended; if Edge3 exists a "4" is
appended, etc.
Menus are activated by clicking the Right Mouse Button (RMB) and holding it
down. The Menu Bar at the top of the window will activate and names will
appear. To select one of the Items under a Menu name, continue to hold
down the RMB and move the pointer until the item or subitem you wish to
activate is highlighted. The Item function is performed if you let go of
the RMB while that item is highlighted. Certain menu items will have a
"Command Equivalent" to the right of the item name. To use this "Keyboard
Equivalent" of the menu, press the Right Amiga Key along with the keyboard
character shown in the menu item. For instance, in a "Project" Menu, if
you wish to Open a file, you may use the menu or press the Right Amiga key
and the "o" key together. Now - to include a file by keyboard command you
press the Right Amiga key together with any Shift key and the "o" key. In
Edge, unlike most Amiga programs, if a menu shortcut key is displayed in
upper case you must also press shift since Edge normaly distinguishes
shifted and unshifted command keys.
NOTE: caps lock will not do.
Keyboard Equivalents
The Right Amiga key is called a "Qualifier" to the "o" key, above. All
menu equivalents are qualified by the Right Amiga key.
In the Help file, a "Qualified" key press is indicated by [Right Amiga] [O]
A simple key press looks like [O] or "O", but in either case only the O key
is pressed.
Underlined Characters in the Gadget or Checkbox Name
In general, all requesters EXCEPT the file requester will have one
character in each gadget or checkbox name UNDERLINED. If you wish to
activate that gadget or to toggle that checkbox ON or OFF, you may simply
press the keyboard character that you see underlined in the gadget name.
In the Help file:
"Keyboard select: 'm'" means that you may SELECT the gadget or the
checkbox or the string gadget by simply pressing the key for M (shifted or
unshifted) because the gadget name has an underlined character 'm' in it.
"Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]" means that pressing the key or
keys shown together will PERFORM A FUNCTION.
In string gadgets, to cycle forwards, press the "Tab" key. "Shift-Tab"
cycles backwards. Mouse clicks inside string gadgets activate them with a
cursor visible inside, or press the underlined character on the keyboard.
If the gadget is active, pressing the underlined character will ENTER that
character into the gadget.
Every action you can do from the Edge interface has an equivalent ARexx
Command. Look at Commands for more information.
Starting Edge.
This section will tell you how to start Edge, either from Shell or from
Workbench, and what arguments you can supply.
Starting Edge from the Workbench
To start Edge from Workbench just double click on the Edge tool icon or
select and double click the Edge project-file(s) you want to load.
The Edge tool icon tooltypes are:
Filename of the default dictionary file, defaults to
Flag to specify that Edge is to start up in iconified state. If any files
are to be loaded this flag is ignored.
Flag to specify that you wish to start a new copy of edge and not create
new files in the one copy already loaded. obviously this flag only has a
meaning if you have Edge already running in memory and wish to start
Filename of the global settings preference file, defaults to
Filename of the icon to use as project icon (not including .info, which is
added automatically), defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.icon.info
Filename of the keyboard config file, defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.keyboard
Filename of the local settings preference file, defaults to
Filename of the menu config file, defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.menus
Filename of the mouse button config file, defaults to
The name of the public screen to open on. This keyword will override the
_GE_Monitor variable in the global settings prefs file. For example - to
run Edge on DirectoryOpus's screen enter a new tooltype:
Filename of the startup-script to be executed after all files are loaded,
defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.startup
Filename of the default template file, defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.templates
Filename of the requester and text config file, defaults to
Filename of the wakeup-script to be executed after Edge is uniconified,
defaults to EdgePrg:Edge.wakeup
The path to use as current directory once the editor has started. For
example: WorkDir=Data:myfiles/text/pgms
The tooltypes in the project icon have the same name as the Edge
environment variable they affect, so look in the environment section for an
explanation of what and how the environment variables work.
Edge on the Workbench
When Edge is running on the Workbench all text windows become what is known
as 'Application Windows'. This means that you may drag and drop project
icons into the text windows in order to load them. If multiple icons are
dropped in one window, then the first file will be loaded in that window
and new windows will be opened for the rest of the files.
If you set the AppIcon flag in GE_Flags, accessible in General Settings by
clicking on the AppIcon check box, Edge will put an Application Icon on the
Workbench. This icon is called Edge-Deposit. Project icons may be dragged
and dropped into the AppIcon to load them into Edge automatically. A new
Edge window will open with each project loaded. This is a great way to
open up multiple files without going to the trouble of multiple-selecting
them. Just click and hold down the Left Mouse Button on a project file,
drag it until the mouse pointer is over the icon, and release the mouse
button. If the editor is iconified while doing so it will be awakened.
Double clicking on the icon works just as pressing the Edge hot key - Edge
will pop to front, and wake up if iconified. The AppIcon is fetched from
disk using the name "EdgePrg:edge.appicon.info".
Edge's Disk Icon
Once Edge is running, a disk icon called "Edge-Docs" opens on the
Workbench. This "disk" performs sort of like a RAM_Disk except that you
cannot properly write to it, see EDGE: advanced information. What you do
use it for is mainly to access the files loaded into the editor without the
need of saving them, which is great for compiling, etc. If you use
DirectoryOpus, you may open a directory window of Edge: or Edge-Docs: and
view the files, copy project files to this disk device, or treat it as any
other drive! When you copy files to this device, it is as if you had
loaded the project into Edge in the more conventional fashion: a new
window opens with the project file loaded.
When dropping icons on Edge-Docs in Workbench, the icon tool-types (e.g.
the files local environment variables) and the files' true path are NOT
available, use the AppIcon, or AppWindows, instead, if you need that
Starting from a Shell
To start Edge from a Shell just type 'edge'; if you want the editor to load
any files at startup simply type the filenames after the command 'edge
work:mystuff/source.a'; or to load all C and assembler files in
work:mystuff edge work:mystuff/#?(.c|.a). The command line syntax for Edge
is as follows:
Edge Files/M,PS=PubScreen/K,WD=WorkDir/K,
This syntax is shown if you type 'edge ?'. All arguments except FILES work
as the tooltype with the same name and are explained below. FILES are, as
said above, the name(s) of the file(s) you wish the editor to load at
EDGE: advanced information
EDGE: is a virtual "disk" perhaps best described as a DOS interface to
Edge. Through it you can access all files loaded into the editor and also
load new files. Most things you can do with a normal ram disk you can also
do with EDGE: - with a few exceptions:
1) .info files cannot be loaded via EDGE:
2) It is not possible to Seek in a file which is presently written to, e.g.
opened with MODE_NEWFILE.
3) Read/Write files are not supported; open with MODE_READWRITE.
For the more technical users out there, the following DOS packets are
supported by the EDGE: device;
If a blocking requester is active when EDGE: is in use, sometimes it may
seem as if DOS is frozen. This is because the requester will also block
the Edge's process communication with the EDGE: device - just get rid of
the requester and everything will be ok.
Edge Help: Basics
Entering Text
Text may be entered into the window by simply typing it in. The cursor
indicates where the text will appear if you start typing. Pressing the
[Return] key breaks the line and moves the cursor down to the start of the
next line.
If you start in the middle of some text, the default is to insert the new
text and push aside the old text to make room. This is called Insert mode.
Toggle whether to Insert or Overstrike in the Settings/Local menu item.
You may select which mode to save as the default by using the Local
Settings requester opened from the Settings menu.
The default is that if you indent a line, then all subsequent lines will
indent the same amount until you move the start of the line back out to the
left. This is intended for programmers who do a lot of block indentations.
This is called AutoIndent. Your text would look like this.
All such behaviors of the editor are configurable by the user. If you
didn't want to use AutoIndent, for instance, you would select the Settings
menu item and within it, select Local Settings or use the keyboard
equivalent of pressing [Right Amiga]-[e]. This notation means to press the
Right Amiga key, hold it down, and press the [e] key at the same time.
Keys that aren't obvious such as the [e] key are named within the square
brackets. Other such keys are [CursorUp] for the up arrow key, [Esc] for
the Escape key, and so on.
When the Local Settings requester opens, you have a choice of setting the
Insert or Overstrike mode; Word wrap (words automatically continue or
"wrap" around to the next line once you type past the right margin); or
setting AutoIndent on or off, simply by clicking on check boxes. Try
different settings to see how they affect editing in your document. You
may set everything, including tab stops and whether to show spaces, in the
Local Settings window.
Printing a Document
You may print a document by selecting the Project/Print, Project/Print To
or Project/Print As menu items. If you choose Print As, you get a window
to change the printer settings before you print. These do not affect the
global printer settings, however.
Moving Around with the Mouse, Menu, and Keyboard
You may move the cursor up and down and side to side with the cursor arrow
keys or with the numeric keypad keys when the numeric pad is toggled so a K
appears in the window's bottom indicator bar. Toggle the keypad on and off
in Settings/Global Settings menu. You may move around quickly up and down
and side to side by simply holding down the Left Mouse Button (LMB) and
moving its pointer toward the top, bottom, or side margins. The closer the
pointer is to the margins, the faster the text will scroll. You may move
up and down with the scroll bar to the right hand side of the window as
well. Click and hold the LMB on the scroll bar to move the text up and
down smoothly; click on an "empty" space off the scroll bar to jump the
text a proportional amount up or down.
There is a special way to jump around inside the document. The menu item
is called Tools and has two items at the bottom. The first one for setting
bookmarks (special user-settable markers you can jump back to after going
off somewhere else). The second item is for jumping to the bookmarks you
set before.
Move to
The Tools menu also has a Move to section for moves to line numbers, last
change, errors, even specific bytes (useful for programmers).
Edge has the capacity to hide sections of a large document as "folds". It
behaves as if your file was written on a long scroll and part of it
"folded" out of sight. This is useful for hiding completed sections of
program code so that they will not distract from work on other parts of the
listing. Use the Local Settings requester to set the Fold Start and Fold
End character string you prefer to delimit the start and end of your folds.
The default for start is /*FS*/ and the default for the end is /*FE*/ but
you may change them to any string you prefer. You may also nest folds so
that you may hide sections within sections. To show a hidden section, just
place the cursor on the start of fold mark and select the menu item to show
it or show all to reveal all folds.
The File Requesters
You have a choice of the Commodore system ASL file requester or a custom
requester with more features just for Edge. If you choose in the Global
Settings to have the ASL, help is not available, but on-line help will come
up for the Edge requester when it is open, or you can jump to any help
section from anywhere in the Amigaguide file.
Block Operations
Edge supports selection and operations with both horizontal and vertical
blocks. In order to move text around, we usually cut or copy a block and
then paste it down in some other part of the document. We select blocks by
double clicking over the start of the block; or by selecting a menu item
Block/Mark Block when the cursor is over the start of the block; or by
using the keyboard [Right Amiga] [b]. The cursor changes color (if we are
using enough colors in our system) after we select the start of the block.
The next place we click or move the cursor will highlight all the text from
the start to the cursor. Once we have moved the cursor to where we want
the end of the block to be, we may cut, copy, or perform other block
operations on it.
To select a Vertical or Columnar block, we must hold down the [Shift] key
while clicking with the mouse - or using the middle button if we have a
three button mouse, select the Columnar Block item from the Edit/Begin
Column menu, or press [Right Amiga] [Shift] [B] to start the block. Then
the highlighted text will be in a column format rather than in a horizontal
Find and Replace
Refer to the Find/Replace requester for information about this subject.
Running ARexx Macros
There is a rich ARexx command set for Edge, and there are plenty of example
programs to use or learn from. Teaching you to program in ARexx is beyond
the scope of this help manual.
You may run any of the macros included by using the menu item
Macros/ARexx/Run ARexx Script or by pressing [Shift] [Esc]. A file
requester will open asking you for the name of the ARexx script you want to
The Setting/Edit Sub-Menu
If you need to reconfigure or delete any features, you simply edit a text
file such as EdgePrg:edge.menus/main. You don't have to remember which
file is which. The Settings menu Edit item at the right hand side has
sub-items to edit each configuration such as menus or keyboard settings.
Selecting one of these will bring up the configuration file for that item.
Save a backup under a different name the first few times you try this.
After you finish your edit, another menu item lets you reload the
configuration so your changes will take effect.
Configuring Edge
Although a well thought out default configuration is present from the first
time you use Edge, you may easily change any of the default settings to
suit your style or habits of use. If you have been using another brand of
editor, you may want to reconfigure certain keystrokes and menus to match
what you are used to.
After installation, if you look at the directory in which Edge resides, you
will notice a number of files with names such as Edge.menus or Edge.global.
These are ASCII text files which govern the configuration of Edge. Edge
itself can open a number of Requesters which allow you to change things
such as the global prefs by pointing and clicking on check boxes which edit
the associated file indirectly. Advanced users may edit these files
directly. We recommend that everyone make a back up file before trying to
edit a configuration file directly. Novices should at first use only the
Requesters for changing things because these graphics interfaces don't make
"typos" when changing a file, and they are easy to change back again.
If Edge is your first editor, we suggest that you simply use it as it
comes. You may use Edge's default configuration for a while without having
to reconfigure anything. Remember that experts developed the defaults.
The standard configuration should require only minor customization on your
part: for instance, if you don't like or don't use some feature, you may
easily delete it from the menu or keyboard configuration file. Extensive
rearranging may take some planning, because if you change one thing, you'll
probably have to change something else, too.
Advanced users who program in different languages may configure different
versions of Edge for different projects and languages. To reconfigure
anything in your Edge editing environment, you simply modify a text file
either directly or via a requester.
Edge supplies a workable C language dictionary. Once the dictionary is
loaded, it will automatically correct the case of otherwise esoteric
strings. You may add words or modify dictionaries, because they are in
plain ASCII text format.
Dictionaries may be "included" so as to build up a project dictionary from
multiple smaller ones. The dictionary feature helps prevent needless case
sensitive errors in your code. The default configuration attempts to load
a dictionary with the name EdgePrg:Edge.dictionary which is supplied as an
empty file. If you desire to use one of the supplied technical programming
dictionaries as the default, you should change its name to the default
file, or put in a tooltype Dictionary=path:mydictionary which supplies a
path to your default dictionary.
Edge's Requesters...
About the Notify requester.
The Notify requester is used to notify the user about something, when the
response from the user is not significant - the Notify requester only has a
'Continue' gadget. To make the requester go away the user can click the
'Continue' gadget, the window close gadget, press the ESC or RETURN key on
the keyboard, select 'Continue' from the menu or press the menu shortcut
key for 'Continue' or press the underlined character 'C' for continue.
Underlined characters in names for gadgets will select that item.
The user can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system,
which will display the page you see here.
The Notify requester MENU has two items:
Close the requester (may also be done as described above). Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Notify requester window in the global
environment and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Notify requester window is pointer relative the saved position will
NOT be used.
The Edge ARexx Command for a Notify requester is RequestNotify.
About the Choice requester.
The Choice requester is used to prompt the user about an OK/Cancel type of
decision when the response from the user is significant. The requester
will contain a short text describing the matter the user is supposed to
decide about.
To give a positive response to the requester the user may click the 'OK'
gadget (the left one), select 'OK' from the menu or press the menu shortcut
key for 'OK', or press the underlined character 'O' in the name 'OK'.
To give a negative response to the requester the user may click the
'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel' from the menu, press the menu shortcut key
for 'Cancel' or press underlined character 'C' or the ESC key on the
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above.
The user can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system,
which will then display this page.
The Choice requester MENU has three items:
Give a positive response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Give a negative response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Choice requester window in the global
environment and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Choice requester window is pointer relative the saved position will
NOT be used.
The Edge ARexx Command for the Choice requester is RequestChoice.
About the Enter a Number requester.
The Enter a Number requester is used to prompt the user for a number. The
window title will contain a short text telling the user what the number is
for. The requester may be preloaded with a default number and if that is
OK for the user then he can just 'OK' the requester. The string gadget is
automatically activated when the requester is opened but if it should get
inactive just click in it.
You can only enter digits in this requester within the limits shown in a
small window below the number entry gadget. If the number is off limits
and you try to 'OK' the requester, the display will flash and a message
will be printed in the requester telling you if the number is too small or
too large. The requester will refuse to accept an out-of-limits number.
To 'OK' the requester and accept the number, either press the RETURN key on
the keyboard, click the 'OK' gadget, select 'OK' from the menu or press the
menu shortcut key for 'OK', or press 'O', the underlined character.
To 'Cancel' the requester either click the 'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel'
from the menu, press the menu shortcut key for 'Cancel', press the ESC key
on the keyboard or press the RETURN key on the keyboard with the string
gadget empty (no digits), or press 'C' for 'Cancel'.
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above. (as for
the 'OK' responses - the number must be within limits or the requester will
not go away).
The user can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system,
which will then display this page.
The Enter a Number requester MENU has three items:
Give a positive response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Give a negative response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Enter a Number requester window in the
global environment and use it the next time the requester is called for.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Enter a Number requester window is pointer relative the saved
position will NOT be used.
The Edge ARexx Command for number requester is RequestNumber.
About the Enter a Key requester.
The Enter a Key requester is used to prompt you for a key-sequence. The
window title will contain a short text telling you what the key is for. To
start sampling click the 'Sample' gadget - now keyboard input is monitored
and displayed in the box below the 'Sample' gadget. Once a complete
key-sequence is entered, sampling will stop. As long as sampling is
engaged the window title will say 'Sampling'. You may also activate sample
mode by pressing the underlined character, 'p', in the name 'Sample'.
To the right of the requester there are four checkboxes controling the
qualifier options. Click in the box to toggle select/deselect or press the
keyboard equivalent - the underlined character in the name of the box.
Alt Same
Holds the state of the ALTSAME flag in _GE_Flags. If set, left Alt and
right Alt are equivalent; i.e. it doesn't matter which Alt key is pressed.
Keyboard select: 'A'
Shift Same
Holds the state of the ALTSHIFT flag in _GE_Flags. If set, left Shift and
right Shift are equivalent; i.e. it doesn't matter which Shift key is
pressed. Keyboard select: 'S'
Mask Alt
Holds the state of the QMALT flag in _GE_Flags. If set, the Qualifier mask
will include Alt; i.e. the Alt keys as qualifiers are ignored. Keyboard
select: 'M'
Mask Shift
Holds the state of the QMSHIFT flag in _GE_Flags. If set, the Qualifier
mask will include Shift; i.e. the Shift keys as such are ignored.
Keyboard select: 'Q'
To 'OK' the requester; i.e. accept the key-sequence, either press the
shortcut key for the 'OK' gadget, click the 'OK' gadget, select 'OK' from
the menu or press the menu shortcut key for 'OK'. Keyboard select: 'O'
To 'Cancel' the requester either click the 'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel'
from the menu, press the menu shortcut key for 'Cancel', press the ESC key
on the keyboard or press click on the window close gadget. Keyboard
select: 'C'
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above.
You can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system, which
will then display this page.
The Enter a Key requester menu has three items:
Give a positive response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Give a negative response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Enter a Key requester window in the global
environment and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Enter a Key requester window is pointer relative the saved position
will NOT be used.
The Edge ARexx Command for the EnterAKey requester is RequestKey.
About the Enter a String requester.
The Enter a String requester is used to prompt the user for a string. The
window title will contain a short text telling the user what the string is
for. The requester may be preloaded with a default string and if that is
OK for the user then he can just 'OK' the requester. The string gadget is
automatically activated when the requester is opened, but if it should
become inactive just click in it.
You can enter any character in this requester. In order to enter non-
printing characters use backslash and a three digit decimal number, e.g.
'\\010' for a Line Feed (LF), '\\013' for Carriage Return (CR), etc.
To 'OK' the requester; i.e. accept the string, either press the RETURN key
on the keyboard, click the 'OK' gadget, select 'OK' from the menu or press
the menu shortcut key for 'OK', or press 'O', the underlined character.
To 'Cancel' the requester either click the 'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel'
from the menu, press the menu shortcut key for 'Cancel', press the ESC key
on the keyboard or press the RETURN key on the keyboard with the string
gadget empty (no characters), or press 'C' for 'Cancel'.
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above.
The user can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system,
which will then display this page.
The Enter a String requester MENU has three items:
Give a positive response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Give a negative response. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Enter a String requester window in the
global environment and use it the next time the requester is called for.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Enter a String requester window is pointer relative the saved
position will NOT be used.
The Edge ARexx Command for a string requester is RequestString.
About the Find/Replace requester.
The Find/Replace requester is used to prompt the user for find and replace
strings and search attributes. The Find and Find/Replace requesters are
identical except for one thing, the replace string gadget which will only
appear in the Find/Replace requester. All gadgets in the Find/Replace
requester display the last values used. If this is OK, then just 'OK' the
requester. The find string gadget is activated when the requester is
opened, but if it should become inactive just click in it or press a key if
the requester window is active. To move the cursor between the find and
replace string gadgets from the keyboard use the TAB key.
The labels for the options have characters in their names underlined. To
select that option, just press the left Amiga key and one of the underlined
Edge maintains a history of the find and replace string gadgets. To cycle
through the list, simply use the Cursor Up/Down keys. Shift Cursor Down
will move to the end of the list and clear the gadget. Shift Cursor Up
will search the list for the string currently in the gadget (just like the
You can enter any character in the string gadgets; in order to enter a
non-printable character use backslash and its three digit decimal number,
e.g. '\\010' LF, '\\013' CR, '\\000' NULL, etc.
To 'OK' the requester, i.e. accept the string(s), either press the RETURN
key on the keyboard, click the 'OK' gadget, select 'OK' from the menu,
press the menu shortcut key for 'OK', or use the keyboard: Press the 'O'
key. In general, all requesters' items may be chosen by pressing the
underlined character in their name.
To 'Cancel' the requester either click the 'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel'
from the menu, press the menu shortcut key for 'Cancel', press the ESC key
on the keyboard or press the RETURN key on the keyboard with the find
string gadget empty (no characters). You may also press 'C'.
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above.
The user can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system which
will then display this page.
The Find/Replace requester MENU has eight items, described below.
Go ahead and Find/Replace. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Abort the operation. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window
Save current position of the Find/Replace requester window in the global
environment and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the Find/Replace requester window is pointer relative, the saved
position will NOT be used.
The five items below are used to toggle the state of the five checkboxes in
the right side, displaying the current state of the search flags. A check
in the checkbox means the flag is active.
Ignore case
Toggles the UCEQLC flag; if this flag is active upper case is treated equal
to lower case in searches, else case is significant. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [A]
Scan forward
Toggles the FORWARD flag; if this flag is active the search is made
forwards in the file, towards the end of the file, else the search is made
backwards, towards start of the file. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga]
Use wildcards
Toggles the WILD flag; if this flag is active and the find string contains
any wildcard characters then pattern matching is used during the search.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Searching with wildcards is line oriented, e.g. the entire line is matched
against the find-string once and only once. If a match occurs then the
cursor will be positioned at column 1 on the line that matched. The 'Only
whole words' option is ignored when searching for wildcards.
Only whole words
Toggles the WORD flag; if this flag is active then the search is made to
check for white spaces before and after the specified find string.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [W]
Circular scan
Toggles the CIRCULAR flag; if this flag is active then the search is made
circular; that is when end or start of file is reached, the search is
restarted at the other end of the file and will continue until either the
find string or the beginning of the search is found. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [R]
This item only appears in the Replace requester. When selected the Find
and Replace strings are swapped. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [T]
The Keyboard equivalents will toggle checkboxes even if a string gadget is
About the Edge File/Directory requester.
If you have selected the ASL File Requester (the Amiga Standard File
Requester) in the General Settings window, this description does not apply.
The ASL requester is described in the AmigaDOS documentation.
The Edge File/Directory requester is used to prompt you for either a file
or a directory. The File and Directory requesters are identical except for
one thing; if you are to select a directory the 'File' gadget is disabled
and no files are shown in the filelist - only directories. The window
title will contain a short text telling you what the file/directory is for.
The 'File', 'Directory' and 'Pattern' gadgets may be preloaded, normally
they contain the last used strings, and if that is OK then just 'OK' the
NOTE: There are NO underlined character equivalents in the File Requester.
The 'Directory' gadget is activated when the requester is opened. To
activate the other string gadgets either click in them, or use TAB and
SHIFT TAB on the keyboard to circulate.
There are three scroll-lists in the requester:
The big list in the middle: here all files and directories read from the
directory specified in the 'Directory' gadget are shown, EXCEPT those
excluded by a pattern. When you type something in the 'File' or
'Directory' gadget the Filelist will scroll to show the first file and/or
directory that matches the start of the name you have typed. To copy the
topmost name from the list to the gadget you're in, press CURSORDOWN; to
copy the next name, press CURSORDOWN again. To walk backwards in the list
press CURSORUP. This function is circular. The names will always be
copied to the correct gadget: Directory names to the 'Directory' gadget
and file names to the 'File' gadget. After they have been copied their
gadgets will be activated. To read in a selected directory just press
RETURN in the 'Directory' gadget or select 'GetDir' from the menu or a
gadget. To select multiple files, press and hold down any SHIFT key while
you either click on the file(s) with the mouse or press RETURN to select
the file currently in the 'File' gadget. You can only select multiple
files in the file-list and only when MULTISELECT is enabled and only during
a READ operation.
The small list at the right top: here all volumes, devices and assigned
directories are shown. To walk through the devicelist from the keyboard
press ALT together with CURSORUP/CORSURDOWN. The names will be copied from
the list to the 'Directory' gadget and activate it.
The long list at the left top: here the last used files and directories
are shown. You may define how many entries the last list should hold in
the Global Settings - General requester. To walk through the lastlist from
the keyboard press SHIFT together with CUSORUP/CURSORDOWN. The entries
will be copied to the appropriate 'Directory' and 'File' gadget and the
'Directory' gadget will always be activated.
When MULTISELECT is enabled you may type a pattern directly in the 'File'
gadget, e.g. @{"#?.c" link DosWildCards}.
If the requester is used in a READ operation - Open, Include, etc - you
must select an existing object. The requester will refuse to 'OK' a non
existing file or directory for a READ operation. In WRITE or SAVE
operations, you may specify a non existing file, but it must be a valid
AmigaDOS filename.
To 'OK' the requester; i.e. accept the file/directory, either press the
RETURN key on the keyboard, click the 'OK' gadget, select 'OK' from the
menu or press the menu shortcut key for 'OK'. As mentioned above, the
requester will only 'OK' existing objects in READ operations.
To 'Cancel' the requester either click the 'Cancel' gadget, select 'Cancel'
from the menu, press the menu shortcut key for 'Cancel' or press the ESC
key on the keyboard.
The requester is closed by any of the responses described above.
You can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system, which
will then display this page.
There are seven button gadgets in the right side of the requester. They
are explained below when dealing with their menu equivalents. The gadget
equivalent names are listed second if they are different from the menu
The requester MENU has eight items:
OK, go ahead. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [O]
Abort the operation. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [C]
Snapshot window (MENU ONLY)
Saves current position of the requester window in the global environment
and uses it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save the
Global Settings to disk.
If the File/Directory requester window is pointer relative the saved
position will NOT be used.
Gets parent directory to the current one, if possible. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [P]
Get dir
Re-reads the current directory, or reads the contents of the directory
specified in the 'Directory' gadget. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga]
Next Cache
Displays the next directory cache, if any, in the file
list using the current pattern. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [>]
Previous Cache
Displays the previous directory cache, if any, in the 'PCache' file list
using the current pattern. All File/Directory requesters in Edge can cache
their directory lists if directory caching is enabled. You can easily scan
through different directories without having to read them anew from disk.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [<]
Current Cache
Displays a requester's currently cached directory 'CCache' list, which has
not yet become part of the 'real' cache list. If caching is disabled or
you cancel the requester, Current Cache will not become a real cache.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [/]
The Keyboard equivalents will work even as the string gadgets are active.
The Edge ARexx Command for the built in Edge or ASL file requester is
RequestFile. The kind of file requester put up by the above commands will
depend on the global setting.
About the Local Settings requester.
The Local Settings requester is used to customize the local environment in
Edge, and is local in the sense that each file may have its own unique
local environment.
At the top right there is a scroll-list containing the tabstops for the
file. To scroll the list use the slider below the ruler. A 'T' indicates
a tabstop at that position, a '-' indicates no stop. To toggle the
tabstops just click on them. The tabstoplist is found in the _FE_TabList
(File Environment) variable.
Below the tabstops are a bunch of string gadgets, described later, and to
the left are some checkboxes displaying the state of the Edge local flags,
described below. (all Edge local flags are found in the _FE_Flags
variable). To select items in requesters that have underlined characters
in the item names, simply press the underlined character's key on the
This checkbox shows the state of the 'ICON' flag. When this flag is on,
Edge will create an icon for the file when it is saved, providing no icon
existed before. If an icon existed then Edge will check its default tool.
If that is the same as Edge's default tool then Edge will keep the icon
image but update the tooltypes; if not, no new icon will be created and the
old icon is left untouched. Keyboard select: 'M'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'SAFESAVES' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will save files in a safe way, that is the file will first be
saved with a temporary name, then the old original file is deleted and the
temporary file is renamed. When this flag is off, the old original file is
overwritten directly. Keyboard select: 'v'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'TABSTOSPACES' flag. When this flag
is on, tabs ('\\009') are translated to an equal number of spaces needed to
move the cursor to the same column. Keyboard select: 'T'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'EDITABLE' flag. When this flag is
on, you may alter the file, e.g. type, delete, cut, insert, etc. When
off, the file is in 'View only' mode and you can not alter it. Keyboard
select: 'i'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'BACKUP' flag. When this flag is on,
whenever the file is saved a backup is saved as well to the directory
defined in _FE_BackDir and with the name defined in _FE_BackFile. (these
two variables are described later when dealing with the string gadgets).
The backup is saved using the current settings of the 'ICON' and 'SAFE'
flags. Keyboard select: 'B'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'LINEWRAP' flag. When this flag is
on, the cursor will wrap around at sol/eol, e.g. if the cursor is at
column 1 and you move the cursor left it will move up to the end of the
line above, if possible, and then continue to move left the specified
number of characters. A similar effect occurs when the cursor is at the
end of a line and you move right. Keyboard select: 'p'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOINDENT' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will automatically indent the cursor to the same position as the
first non space/tab character on the line above when you press RETURN or
use the NewLine command. Keyboard select: 'A'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'LAYOUT' flag. When this flag is on,
it is possible to move the cursor beyond the end of the line and if you
then type something the 'space' between the cursor and eol is padded with
spaces. Keyboard select: 'y'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'INSERT' flag. When this flag is on,
Edge type mode is insert; e.g. when you type something the characters to
the right are pushed to the right. When this flag is off the type mode is
overwrite; e.g. the characters to the right of the cursor are overwritten
when you type something. The state of this flag is also shown in the
status line after the column number, 'I' for insert and 'O' for overwrite.
Keyboard select: 'r'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'WORDWRAP' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will wrap down the cursor and the current word to the next line if
you try to type beyond the defined wrap border _FE_WrapBorder. In other
words, Edge will keep track of the right margin for you while you type.
Keyboard select: 'W'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'CORRECTCASE' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will automatically try to correct the case of the words that you
type. For the case correction to succeed the word must be found in the
edge dictionary. If a word is not found no action is taken. Keyboard
select: 'o'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'SHOWSPACES' flag. When this flag is
on white spaces will be printed with characters that have an image; i.e.
space will be printed as '·', tab will be printed as '°' & LF will be
printed as '¶'. Keyboard select: 'h'
That takes care of all the local environment flags; now for a description
of the string gadgets and their associated variables. When the requester
is opened none of the string gadgets are activated. With the mouse - just
click in the one you want to activate. With the keyboard - press the
underlined key in the name of the gadget you wish to activate. Use TAB and
SHIFT TAB to circulate. RETURN will deactivate the current gadget.
Backup dir
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_BackDir variable. The string in
_FE_BackDir is used as the path description when saving backups. It is not
necessary to end it with a '/' - Edge will take care of that. However, it
must be a valid AmigaDOS path or an error will be reported when Edge tries
to use it. Keyboard select: 'd'
Backup file
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_BackFile variable. Keyboard
select: 'k'
The string in _FE_BackFile is used as the filename description when saving
backups. If the string is empty and 'BACKUP' is on the default file for
backups '*{#}' is used.
If you choose to have a backup file with a simple name; e.g.
'oldfile.c.bak'. The backup system will always backup to a file with that
You can also make use of the star '*' to allow a dynamic name and let Edge
evaluate the true name when saving a backup; e.g. '*.bak' will use the
original filename and then append '.bak' to it. (the star is equal to the
current name of the file).
Additionally you may also want to use the hash mark '#' to make use of
Edge's autonumbering capability. When a '#' is encountered in the name it
is replaced with the current value of the file's backup-counter, located in
the file '*.B' in the backup directory.
After the backup is saved a check is made to see if the maximum number of
backups (_FE_MaxBackups) has been exceeded, and if so the oldest backup is
deleted. Then the backup-counter is incremented. With the dynamic name
and the autonumbering it is easy to maintain a backup directory that
contains multiple backups of several files and it makes making a backup
worthwhile - you have the option to reload old versions of you sources.
Max backups
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_MaxBackups variable. The number
in _FE_MaxBackups is used to define how many backup copies are to be used
for this file. Keyboard select: 'x'
Fold start
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_FoldStart variable. The string
in _FE_FoldStart is used as the fold start marker. Keyboard select: 'l'
Fold end
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_FoldEnd variable. The string in
_FE_FoldEnd is used as the fold end marker. Keyboard select: 'e'
Undo buffer
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_UndoBuff variable. The number in
_FE_UndoBuff defines the byte-size of the undo buffer for this file. The
bigger the number the more changes can be stored. Keyboard select: 'n'
IMark image
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_IMark variable. The string in
_FE_IMark is the image used in the FindIMark function. The 'x' in the
string is replaced by the number supplied as the argument to FindIMark, if
no 'x' exists in the string only one IMark can exist. The string may be 31
characters, unexpanded. Keyboard select: 'g'
Tab distance
This gadget has no variable. It is used to simplify the setting of a tab
list with the same spacing between all stops. Just type a number and press
RETURN or TAB. Keyboard select: '1'
NOTE: You must press either the RETURN or the TAB key in order to change
the tabstoplist.
Page length
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_PageLen variable. The number in
_FE_PageLen is the number of lines that will fit in a page in this file.
The minimum page length is one line. Keyboard select: '2'
Upper scrollborder
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_UpperSB variable. The number in
_FE_UpperSB is the number of lines that the upper scrollborder consists of;
i.e. when the cursor is _FE_UpperSB lines from the top of the window and
you move up, the text will scroll. (this will not happen at start of
file.) Keyboard select: '3'
Lower scrollborder
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_LowerSB variable. The number in
_FE_LowerSB is the number of lines that the lower scrollborder consists of;
i.e. when the cursor is _FE_LowerSB lines from the bottom of the window
and you move down, the text will scroll. Keyboard select: '4'
Left scrollborder
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_LeftSB variable. The number in
_FE_LeftSB is the number of characters that the left scrollborder consists
of; i.e. when the cursor is _FE_LeftSB characters from the left side of
the window the text will scroll. (this is not true at start of line.)
Keyboard select: '5'
Right scrollborder
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_RightSB variable. The number in
_FE_RightSB is the number of characters that the right scrollborder
consists of; i.e. when the cursor is _FE_RightSB characters from the right
side of the window, the text will scroll. Keyboard select: '6'
Wrap border
This gadget holds the contents of the _FE_WrapBorder variable. The number
in _FE_WrapBorder is used as the right border when 'WORDWRAP', word wrap,
is on and in paragraph formatting, Format. Keyboard select: '7'
That is all regarding the Local Settings requesters string gadgets. At the
bottom right there are three action gadgets:
OK the requester, use the changes made and save them to the default local
settings preferences file, using either the name EdgePrg:Edge.local or the
name defined by you at startup using the LOCAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
select: 'S'
OK the requester, use the changes made but don't save them. Keyboard
select: 'U'
Cancel the requester, restore the local settings to the state they were in
when the requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'C'
The Local Settings requester has three menus:
This menu has five items:
Load a local settings preference file other than the default one. You will
be prompted for a name with the Filerequester. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [O]
Save As
Save the local settings preference file to a file other than the default.
You will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. No keyboard
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the requester window in the global environment
and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Local Settings requester window is pointer relative the saved
position will NOT be used.
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Use' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [U]
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Cancel' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [Q]
This menu has three items:
Reset to defaults
Restore the local settings to the internal defaults of Edge. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Last saved
Reload the local settings preference file, either EdgePrg:Edge.local or the
file defined by you at startup, with the LOCAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [L]
Restore the local settings to the state they were in when the requester was
opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
This menu has only one item:
Save icon
If enabled, an icon will be created for the local settings preference file
when saved. No keyboard equivalent.
NOTE: The ARexx Command for the local settings requester is LocalSettings.
About the Global Settings - General requester.
The Global Settings requester is used to customize the global environment
in Edge. The requester is divided into four parts: Screen, Printer,
Windows and General. This section, General, contains general and all
purpose variables and flags.
The left side of the requester contains some string gadgets, described
later, and the right side has a lot of checkboxes, displaying the global
environment general flags, found in the _GE_Flags variables. The
checkboxes may be toggle-selected to ON or OFF by clicking inside the
checkbox, or you may simply press the keyboard key corresponding to the
underlined character in the checkbox's name. The flags are explained
This checkbox shows the state of the 'CUTREPEAT' flag. When this flag is
on, overflowing REPEAT messages from the keyboard will be ignored, which
really means that the editor responds a bit snappier to key release events.
Keyboard select: 'e'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'SHOWDIR' flag. When this flag is on,
the FileRequester will display the filelist as it reads it in. When the
flag is off the filelist is not shown until the entire directory is read.
Keyboard select: 'h'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'CACHEDIR' flag. When this flag is
on, the FileRequester caches the filelist so you won't have to wait for it
to be read in the next time you use the same FileRequester. Keyboard
select: 'r'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTODIR' flag. When this flag is on,
the FileRequester will automatically reread the directory if the directory
attributes (the path name or date) have changed. Keyboard select: 'o'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOSAVEON' flag. When this flag is
on, the automatic save function is activated and the save will kick in
whenever the counter has reached the value of _GE_AutoSaveTimer. Keyboard
select: 'n'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOSAVEREQ' flag. When this flag is
on, you will be prompted with a Choice requester before any files are
auto-saved. Keyboard select: 'q'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOSAVECHNG' flag. When this flag
is on, the file(s) will only be auto-saved if any changes have been made.
Keyboard select: 'g'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOSAVEALL' flag. When this flag is
on, all files in the editor will be considered for auto-saving, not just
the current one. Keyboard select: 't'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'LOADLOCAL' flag. When this flag is
on and a file is loaded, the local settings will be loaded from the
tooltypes in the files icon. Those variables not contained in the icon, or
if this flag is off, will be loaded from the default local environment,
which in turn is loaded from the EdgePrg:Edge.local file if not overridden
by you at startup with the LOCAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard select: 'd'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'LOCALSAVE' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will save the local settings in the icon when saving files.
Keyboard select: 'v'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'ASLREQ' flag. When this flag is on,
Edge will use the ASL FileRequester instead of the one built into Edge.
The ASL Requester appears relative to your mouse pointer if FileReqPRel
flag is set. If not set the position is stored in _GE_ReqFileX (leftedge)
and _GE_ReqFileY (topedge). These variables are also used by the built-in
FileRequester. The size is stored in _GE_ASLWidth and _GE_ASLHeight Global
Environment variables. The size & position of the ASL is updated
automatically when you OK the file requester. Keyboard select: 'A'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'CLOCK' flag. When this flag is on,
the Edge clock, in the screen title bar, is enabled all the time. Keyboard
select: 'k'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOCLOCK' flag. When this flag is
on, the Edge clock, in the screen title bar, is enabled only when an Edge
window is active and automatically disabled when no Edge window is active
and not blocked by a requester. Keyboard select: 'l'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'ICONWINDOW' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will open a small window in the Workbench when in iconified state.
To wake up Edge either activate the iconwindow and click the right
mousebutton or press the hotkey. Keyboard select: 'W'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'DORMANTQUIT' flag. When this flag is
on, Edge will iconify instead of quit when you close the last window. Edge
will NOT iconify if there is an outstanding ARexx message. All ARexx
messages must return before Edge will iconify. Keyboard select: 'm'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'MOUSEBLANKER' flag. When this flag
is on, Edge will blank the mousepointer whenever you type something on the
keyboard and turn it back on when you move the mouse. Keyboard select:
This checkbox shows the state of the 'APPICON' flag. When this flag is on
Edge will put an application icon in the Workbench, which will make it
easier to load files from WB - just drop them on the icon. Keyboard
select: 'I'
Now to describe the string gadgets and their associated variables. When
the requester is opened none of the string gadgets are activated. With the
mouse, just click in the one you want to activate and use TAB and SHIFT TAB
to circulate. RETURN will deactivate the current gadget. With NO GADGET
ACTIVE, pressing the underlined keyboard number shown beside the name of
the gadget will active that gadget. Pressing a number with a gadget active
will insert that number at the cursor position.
Max lastfiles
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_MaxLast variable. The number in
_GE_MaxLast defines the maximum number of entries in the Lastlist in the
FileRequester. Keyboard select: 1
AutoSave timer
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_AutoSaveTimer variable. The
number in _GE_AutoSaveTimer is the number of minutes between auto-saves.
Keyboard select: 2
Edge priority
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_Priority variable. The number in
_GE_Priority is the Edge process priority. It should normally be set to
zero. Keyboard select: 3
Error level
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ErrLevel variable. The value in
_GE_ErrLevel is a threshold for errors reported to you; e.g. if
_GE_ErrLevel is 10 and an error with severity 9 or less occurs it won't be
reported. However, errors with a severity of 10 or greater will be
reported. You may customize the error levels for all Edge errors in the
Text config file. Keyboard select: 4
Close delay
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_CloseDelay variable. The value
in _GE_CloseDelay is the number of seconds to wait after an ARexx-script
has finished until the ARexx-console is closed. A value of -1 means never.
A value of 0 will close the ARexx IO stream immediately after all messages
have returned. Keyboard select: 5
Hotkey pri
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_CX_Pri variable. The value in
_GE_CX_Pri is used as the commodities hotkey priority. Keyboard select: 6
ARexx console
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_RexxConsole variable. The string
in _GE_RexxConsole is the name of the console to open before an
ARexx-script is to be run. Keyboard select: 7
Icon toolname
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ToolName variable. The string in
_GE_ToolName is used as the default tool when saving Edge project icons.
Keyboard select: 8
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_CX_PopKey variable. The string
in _GE_CX_PopKey is used as hotkey description for the hotkey used to
uniconify Edge. Keyboard select: 9
At the bottom left there are three action gadgets:
Clicking this gadget will display the Screen Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the Printer Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the Window Settings. Keyboard select:
At the bottom right there are also three action gadgets.
OK the requester, use the changes made and save them to the default global
settings preferences file, using either the name EdgePrg:Edge.global or the
name defined by you at startup using the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
select: 'S'
OK the requester, use the changes made but don't save them. Keyboard
select: 'U'
Cancel the requester, restore the global settings to the state they were in
when the requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'C'
The Global Settings requester has three MENUS:
This menu has five items:
Load a global settings preference file other than the default one. You
will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [O]
Save As
Save the global settings preference file to a file other than the default.
You will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. No keyboard
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the requester window in the global environment
and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Global Settings requester window is pointer relative the
saved position will NOT be used.
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Use' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [U]
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Cancel' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [Q]
This menu has three items:
Reset to defaults
Restore the global settings to the internal defaults of Edge. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Last saved
Reload the global settings preference file, either EdgePrg:Edge.global or
the file defined by you at startup with the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [L]
Restore the global settings to the state they were in when the requester
was opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
This menu has only one item:
Save icon
If enabled, an icon will be created for the global settings preference file
when saved. No keyboard equivalent.
The menus and action gadgets work on the entire global environment, not
just the section currently displayed.
About the Global Settings - Screen requester.
The Global Settings requester is used to customize the global environment
in Edge. The requester is divided into four parts: Screen, Printer,
Windows and General. This section, Screen, contains screen variables.
At the left top there is a scroll-list showing all available display modes
and public screen. To select a display mode just click on it with the
mouse; the currently selected mode is shown just below the list. You may
"clone" any existing screen including the Workbench. If you choose to
clone a screen, its screen attributes - such as font, dri_pens, size and
colors - will be imitated by the new custom Edge screen. The colors are
copied so that their complements work as on the original screen.
To the right of the display mode list are two string gadgets indicating
width and height, and one slider indicating the depth. When the requester
is opened none of the string gadgets are activated. With the mouse, just
click in the one you want to activate. With the keyboard, press the key
that you see underlined to activate the gadget. 'I' activates Screen
Width; 'H' activates Screen Height; 'D' activates Screen Depth. If one of
the gadgets is active, just use TAB and SHIFT TAB to cycle through the
rest. RETURN will deactivate the current gadget.
Screen Width
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScreenWidth variable. The value
in _GE_ScreenWidth is used as the width of the Edge custom screen. If Edge
is running on Workbench or on a Screen clone this variable is ignored. The
minimum allowed screen width is 640 pixels. To get the default width of
the selected display mode enter -1. Keyboard select: 'W'
Screen Height
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScreenHeight variable. The value
in _GE_ScreenHeight is used as the height of the Edge custom screen. If
Edge is running on Workbench or on a Screen clone this variable is ignored.
The minimum allowed screen height is 200 pixels. To get the default height
of the selected display mode enter -1. Keyboard select: 'H'
Screen Depth
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScreenDepth variable. The value
in _GE_ScreenDepth is used as the number of bitplanes in the Edge custom
screen. If Edge is running on Workbench or on a Screen clone this variable
is ignored. The Screen Depth is displayed as a number beside the name of
the gadget. Keyboard select: 'D'
Left, below the display mode list are a bunch of gadgets forming the
palette control. To select a color just click on it in the color table;
the currently selected color is shown in the box at the left of the color
table. Use the three sliders below the color table to adjust the selected
color's Red, Green and Blue components. The four action gadgets below the
color table are used to perform some other functions on the palette. If
you use a Workbench:Clone or a Workbench:Use option, then the palette will
be ghosted and disabled. If any other screens are running, then you may
USE or CLONE them, too. Edge will use their palettes and screen
resolutions, and GHOST the appropriate gadgets.
When this gadget is clicked on the currently selected color will be copied
to the one you click on next. Keyboard select: 'y'
When this gadget is clicked on the currently selected color will be swapped
with the color you click on next. Keyboard select: 'a'
When this gadget is clicked on the colors between the currently selected
one and the next one you click on will be filled with a range of colors
spreading from the currently selected color to the next color you click on.
Keyboard select: 'e'
Clicking this gadget will undo all changes made to the palette since the
requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'o'
To the right of the palette there are three big action gadgets. These are
the font gadgets, and you use them to select the Edge fonts. When you
click on any of them an ASL FontRequester will be opened to let you select
a font and specify the soft styles to be used. The font soft style flags
are kept in the _GE_FontFlags variable. Just under each font gadget is a
box showing the currently selected font and its soft style.
Screen Font
Clicking on this gadget will let you specify the screen font. That font is
used in the screen title bar, the menus, and the window's title bars. The
screen font name is held in the _GE_ScreenFontName variable and the size is
held in the _GE_ScreenFontSize variable. The screen font can be any font
you like, but the size must be within 6 - 64 points. The empty string "",
or ".font" selects the default system font. Keyboard select: 'F'
Text Font
Clicking on this gadget will let you specify the text font. That font is
used to print the text in the text windows. The text font name is held in
the _GE_TextFontName variable and the size is held in the _GE_TextFontSize
variable. The text font can be any monospace font you like, but the size
must be within 6 - 64 points. The empty string "", or ".font" selects the
default system font. Keyboard select: 'x'
Gadget Font
Clicking on this gadget will let you specify the gadget font. This font is
used for printing all gadget texts, and most message and info texts too.
The gadget font name is held in the _GE_GadgetFontName variable and the
size is held in the _GE_GadgetFontSize variable. The gadget font may be
any monospace font but the size must be within 6 - 64 points. The empty
string "", or ".font" selects the default system font. Keyboard select:
At the bottom left there are three action gadgets:
Clicking this gadget will display the General Settings. Keyboard select:
' (single quote)
Clicking this gadget will display the Printer Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the Window Settings. Keyboard select:
At the bottom right there are also three action gadgets:
OK the requester, use the changes made and save them to the default global
settings preferences file, using either the name EdgePrg:Edge.global or the
name defined by you at startup using the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
select: 'S'
OK the requester, use the changes made but don't save them. Keyboard
select: 'U'
Cancel the requester, restore the global settings to the state they were in
when the requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'C'
The Global Settings requester has three MENUS:
This menu has five items:
Load a global settings preference file other than the default one. You
will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [O]
Save As
Save the global settings preference file to a file other than the default.
You will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. No keyboard
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the requester window in the global environment
and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Global Settings requester window is pointer relative the
saved position will NOT be used.
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Use' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [U]
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Cancel' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [Q]
This menu has three items:
Reset to defaults
Restore the global settings to the internal defaults of Edge. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Last saved
Reload the global settings preference file, either EdgePrg:Edge.global or
the file defined by you at startup with the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [L]
Restore the global settings to the state they were in when the requester
was opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
This menu has only one item:
Save icon
If enabled, an icon will be created for the global settings preference file
when saved. No keyboard equivalent.
NOTE: The menus and action gadgets work on the entire global environment,
not just the section currently displayed.
About the Global Settings - Printer requester.
The Global Settings requester is used to customize the global environment
in Edge. The requester is divided into four parts: Screen, Printer,
Windows and General. This section, Printer, contains printer variables and
The greatest part of the requester contains string gadgets, described
later, but the right side has a few checkboxes and radio buttons,
displaying the global environment printer flags, found in the _GE_PrtFlags
variable. The flags are explained below. You may click on the checkbox
with the Left Mouse Button or you may toggle the checkbox on and off by
pressing the underlined character in the checkbox's name. For instance,
Header is activated or deactivated by pressing the '1' key.
Header Date
This checkbox shows the state of the 'HEADDATE' flag. When this flag is
on, the time and date will be printed in the page header. Keyboard select:
Header FileName
This checkbox shows the state of the 'HEADNAME' flag. When this flag is
on, the filename will be printed in the page header. You may define the
format string for the header/footer name field in the Text config file.
The default format string is 'File : %s'. Keyboard select: '2'
Header Page #
This checkbox shows the state of the 'HEADPAGE' flag. When this flag is
on, the current page number will be printed in the page header. You may
define the format string for the header/footer page number field in the
Text config file. The default is 'Page : %-5ld'. Keyboard select: '3'
Footer Date
This checkbox shows the state of the 'FOOTDATE' flag. When this flag is
on, the time and date will be printed in the page footer. Keyboard select:
Footer FileName
This checkbox shows the state of the 'FOOTNAME' flag. When this flag is
on, the filename will be printed in the page footer. Keyboard select: '5'
Footer Page #
This checkbox shows the state of the 'FOOTPAGE' flag. When this flag is
on, the current page number will be printed in the page footer. Keyboard
select: '6'
The radio buttons are used to select if and how to convert tabs/spaces.
Tabs to Spaces
This button shows the state of the 'TABSTOSPACES' flag. When this flag is
on, all tabs (\\009) are translated to an equal number of spaces needed to
move the cursor to the same column. The translation is made using the
tabstoplist defined in the file's local settings.
Spaces to Tabs
This button shows the state of the 'SPACESTOTABS' flag. When this flag is
on, all spaces are translated to tabs using the internal tabstoplist.
No Conversion
This button doesn't have a corresponding flag. It is used to
indicate/select that neither of the two options above are on.
Now to describe the string gadgets and their associated variables. When
the requester is opened none of the string gadgets are activated. With the
mouse, just click in the one you want to activate. With the keyboard,
press the underlined key to activate. For example, pressing 'H' activates
the 'Header Init' string gadget. Use TAB and SHIFT TAB to cycle through
the rest of the gadgets. RETURN will deactivate the current gadget.
Header Init
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_HeadInit variable. The string in
_GE_HeadInit is sent to the printer just before the header and the header
title is printed. This way you may choose to have another style in the
header than in the main text. In order to enter non-printable characters
use backslash and a three digit decimal number e.g. '\\015' FF, '\\027'
ESC, etc. Keyboard select: 'H'
Header Title
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_HeadTitle variable. The string
in _GE_HeadTitle is sent to the printer just after the header is printed.
Keyboard select: 'e'
Footer Init
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_FootInit variable. The string in
_GE_FootInit is sent to the printer just before the footer and the footer
title are printed. This way you may choose to have another style in the
footer than in the main text. In order to enter non-printable characters
use backslash and a three digit decimal number; e.g. '\\015' FF, '\\027'
ESC, etc. Keyboard select: 'F'
Footer Title
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_FootTitle variable. The string
in _GE_FootTitle is sent to the printer just after the footer is printed.
Keyboard select: 'o'
File Init
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_FileInit variable. The string in
_GE_FileInit is sent to the printer just before the main text is printed.
This way you may choose to have another style in the main text than in the
header and footer. In order to enter non-printable characters use
backslash and a three digit decimal number e.g. '\\015' FF, '\\027' ESC,
etc. Keyboard select: 'I'
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_Printer variable. The string in
_GE_Printer is the name of the printer to use. Normally this is 'PRT:'.
Keyboard select: 't'
Left Margin
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_LeftMargin variable. The number
in _GE_LeftMargin is used as an indent amount for each line. Keyboard
select: 'L'
Right Margin
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_RightMargin variable. The value
in _GE_RightMargin is used as the right border for each line printed, so
the number of characters that will fit on a line is _GE_RightMargin minus
_GE_LeftMargin. Keyboard select: 'R'
Paper Length
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_PaperLen variable. The number in
_GE_PaperLen is used to tell Edge how many lines of text will fit on a
paper, used when calculating paper advance. Keyboard select: 'n'
Tab Distance
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_TabDistance variable. The value
in _GE_TabDistance is not sent to the printer, it is only used to calculate
how many characters will fit within the right margin. Keyboard select:
At the bottom left there are three action gadgets:
Clicking this gadget will display the Screen Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the General Settings. Keyboard select:
' (single quote)
Clicking this gadget will display the Window Settings. Keyboard select:
At the bottom right there are also three action gadgets:
OK the requester, use the changes made and save them to the default global
settings preferences file, using either the name EdgePrg:Edge.global or the
name defined by you at startup using the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
select: 'S'
OK the requester, use the changes made but don't save them. Keyboard
select: 'U'
Cancel the requester, restore the global settings to the state they were in
when the requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'C'
The Global Settings requester has three menus:
This menu has five items:
Load a global settings preference file other than the default one. You
will be prompted for a name with the Filerequester. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [O]
Save As
Save the global settings preference file to a file other than the default.
You will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. No keyboard
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the requester window in the global environment
and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Global Settings requester window is pointer relative the
saved position will NOT be used.
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Use' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [U]
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Cancel' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [Q]
This menu has three items:
Reset to defaults
Restore the global settings to the internal defaults of Edge. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Last saved
Reload the global settings preference file, either EdgePrg:Edge.global or
the file defined by you at startup with the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [L]
Restore the global settings to the state they were in when the requester
was opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
This menu has only one item:
Save icon
If enabled, an icon will be created for the global settings preference file
when saved. No keyboard equivalent.
NOTE: The menus and action gadgets work on the entire global environment,
not just the section currently displayed.
NOTE: A slightly modified version of this requester comes up when you
select the Project/Print As... menu, or the Edit/Print Clipboard menu. It
is the same as the Global Print requester, except that there are only Print
and Cancel buttons on the bottom. Settings made in this requester are only
good for the print session, and DO NOT change the global printer settings.
See Print & PrintClip.
About the Global Settings - Windows requester.
The Global Settings requester is used to customize the global environment
in Edge. The requester is divided into four parts: Screen, Printer,
Windows and General. This section, Windows, contains window variables and
Below is an explanation of the checkboxes found to the right and bottom
middle of the requester, containing the global environment window flags -
which are all found in the _GE_WndFlags variable. Checkboxes may be
toggled by pressing the underlined character in their name (the Keyboard
select characters below).
Misc window flags, LEFT SIDE:
This checkbox shows the state of the 'SNAPSIZE' flag. When this flag is
on, the text windows will automatically adjust their size to even
characters when resized. Keyboard select: 'z'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'INFOTOP' flag. When this flag is on,
the status line is at the top of the text windows; when off, at the bottom.
Keyboard select: 'f'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'KEYPAD' flag. When this KEYPAD
flag/qualifier is used; i.e. if you press a key on the numeric keyboard,
it will be treated as a numeric keyboard key. If the flag is off, the keys
on the numeric keyboard will not be treated differently from the rest of
the keyboard. (similar to NUMLOCK/SCROLLLOCK) Keyboard select: 'y'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'SCRSCROLL' flag. When this flag is
on, the screen will automatically scroll when the cursor is moved beyond
the size of the visible part of the screen. Keyboard select: 'r'
NOTE: For this to work your window must be on a screen which is larger
than the display clip.
NOTE: This feature works only on Kickstart v39 and better. On pre v39
systems this gadget is disabled.
Misc window flags, RIGHT SIDE:
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOZOOM' flag. When this flag is
on, the text windows are automatically zoomed when they are deactivated.
Keyboard select: 'o'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOUNZOOM' flag. When this flag is
on, the text windows are automatically unzoomed when activated. Keyboard
select: 'm'
This checkbox shows the state of the 'AUTOFRONT' flag. When this flag is
on, the text windows are automatically brought to the front of all windows
when activated. Keyboard select: 'A'
Pointer relative requesters LEFT SIDE:
This checkbox shows the state of the 'NUMERPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Enter a Number requester, RequestNumber from ARexx, is positioned
relative to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'N'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'STRINGPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Enter a String requester, RequestString from ARexx, is positioned
relative to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'g'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'KEYPREL' flag. When this flag is on,
the Enter a Key requester, RequestKey from ARexx, is positioned relative to
the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'K'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'NOTIFYPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Notify requester, RequestNotify from ARexx, is positioned relative
to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 't'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'CHOICEPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Choice requester, RequestChoice from ARexx, is positioned relative
to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'h'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
Pointer relative requesters RIGHT SIDE:
This checkbox shows the state of the 'FINDPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Find/Replace requester, is positioned relative to the mouse pointer
when opened Keyboard select: 'd'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'FILEREQPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the FileRequester, RequestFile from ARexx, is positioned relative to
the mouse pointer when opened. Also the ASL Requester makes use of this
flag. Keyboard select: 'e'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'LOCALPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Local Settings requester, LocalSettings from ARexx, is positioned
relative to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'l'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'GLOBALPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Global Settings requester, GlobalSettings from ARexx, is positioned
relative to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'b'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
This checkbox shows the state of the 'ERRLISTPREL' flag. When this flag is
on, the Error list window, GoToError SHOW from ARexx, is positioned
relative to the mouse pointer when opened. Keyboard select: 'i'
NOTE: When this flag is on, the saved position is not used.
Now to describe the rest of the gadgets and their associated variables.
When Edge is running on a public screen, Workbench for example, the Pen
variables are hardwired to the public screen's pen array. Since you are
not actually able to change the pen values, the cycle and palette gadgets
are disabled. If you are running on Workbench you are able to adjust its
pen array values with Workbench's Palette preference tool.
PenName Pen Array Entry Used
_GE_ItemInk BARDETAILPEN for ks >= v39, 0 for ks < v39
If you are running Edge on its own private screen you can click on it to
cycle through the choices:
Status line ink
Status line background
Text ink
Menuitem ink
Messages text ink
On systems with Kickstart v39 or better there are three more choices:
Scroll lists text ink
Filerequester file ink
Filerequester dir ink
When you cycle to the Pen you want, simply click in the color box you
desire that pen to be, and when you close the requester with "Save" it will
always be that color; when you close with "Use", it will be the color you
select only as long as Edge is open.
The pen choices shown in the cycle gadget correspond to the following
environment variables:
Status line ink
The _GE_InfoInk variable. The value in _GE_InfoInk is used as the text pen
number for the status line.
Status line background
The _GE_InfoPaper variable. The value in _GE_InfoPaper is used as the
background pen number for the status line.
Text ink
The _GE_TextInk variable. The value in _GE_TextInk is used as the text pen
number for the text.
NOTE: The number of bitplanes used when scrolling, printing, etc., depends
only on the color used, so for best speed and appearance you should select
a pen that is a 2^n number, i.e. 1, 2 or 4.
NOTE: The color used to mark blocks is located in one of the planes not
used by the text, so if you specify a text color that uses all bitplanes,
you will not be able to see the block marking.
Menuitem ink
The _GE_ItemInk variable. The value in _GE_ItemInk is used as the
item-text pen number in all Edge and requester menus. (not true for the
ASL FileRequester.)
Message text ink
The _GE_MessageInk variable. The value in _GE_MessageInk is used as the
text pen number for all message/info text in Edge, i.e. text that can't be
clicked on and simply inform you of something.
Scroll lists text ink
The _GE_ListInk variable. The value in _GE_ListInk is used as the text pen
number in all scroll-list text in Edge.
NOTE: This feature works only on Kickstart v39 and better. On pre v39
systems this variable is disabled.
Filerequester file ink
The _GE_FileInk variable. The value in _GE_FileInk is used as the text pen
number for file entries in the FileRequester filelist.
NOTE: This feature works only on Kickstart v39 and better. On pre v39
systems this variable is disabled.
Filerequester dir ink
The _GE_DirInk variable. The value in _GE_DirInk is used as the text pen
number for directory entries in the FileRequester filelist.
NOTE: This feature works only on Kickstart v39 and better. On pre v39
systems this variable is disabled.
For more examples of Global Environment variables, see Global Environment
There are four string gadgets to set the scroll rates. They are arranged
like this:
| Scroll jumps |
---------|---------|-------|--------- Keyboard select: [#]
Vert 1 | -1 [1] | -1 [2]| Vert n
| | |
Horiz 1 | -1 [3] | -1 [4]| Horiz n
The [#] values here and underlined values in the requester are the keyboard
characters to press to get the cursor to appear in the string gadget.
To cycle through the active gadgets, press the Tab key; to cycle backwards,
use Shift-Tab.
The default VALUES are -1. The LEFT column is the amount of scroll for ONE
scrolling increment. You may scroll in increments of n. The RIGHT column
is for input of the amount of n increments. The -1 default is for the
fastest scrolling. The variables represented are as follows, left to
right; top to bottom:
Vert 1
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScrollJumpV1 variable. The value
in _GE_ScrollJumpV1 is used when scrolling the text vertically one line,
every time the text is scrolled it is scrolled _GE_ScrollJumpV1 pixels. A
value of one gives the smoothest and slowest scroll; a value equal to the
font height, or -1, gives the jerkiest but fastest scroll. For example, if
the font height is 8 and the value in _GE_ScrollJumpV1 is 2, the text will
be scrolled 2 pixels every time the text is scrolled and must therefore be
scrolled 4 times to complete a line. (8 / 2 = 4) Keyboard select: '1'
Vert n
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScrollJumpVn variable. The value
in _GE_ScrollJumpVn is used when scrolling the text vertically more than
one line. For an explanation of how, see 'Vert 1'. Keyboard select: '2'
Horiz 1
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScrollJumpH1 variable. The value
in _GE_ScrollJumpH1 is used when scrolling the text horizontally one
character. For an explanation of how, see 'Vert 1'. Keyboard select: '3'
Horiz n
This gadget holds the contents of the _GE_ScrollJumpHn variable. The value
in _GE_ScrollJumpHn is used when scrolling the text horizontally more than
one character. For an explanation of how, see 'Vert 1'. Keyboard select:
At the bottom left there are three action gadgets:
Clicking this gadget will display the Screen Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the Printer Settings. Keyboard select:
Clicking this gadget will display the General Settings. Keyboard select:
' (single quote)
At the bottom right there are also three action gadgets:
OK the requester, use the changes made and save them to the default global
settings preferences file, using either the name EdgePrg:Edge.global or the
name defined by you at startup using the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype. Keyboard
select: 'S'
OK the requester, use the changes made but don't save them. Keyboard
select: 'U'
Cancel the requester, restore the global settings to the state they were in
when the requester was opened. Keyboard select: 'C'
The Global Settings requester has three menus:
This menu has five items:
Load a global settings preference file other than the default one. You
will be prompted for a name with the Filerequester. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [O]
Save As
Save the global settings preference file to a file other than the default.
You will be prompted for a name with the FileRequester. No keyboard
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the requester window in the global environment
and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard equivalent:
[Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Global Settings requester window is pointer relative the
saved position will NOT be used.
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Use' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [U]
Selecting this item has the same effect as clicking on the 'Cancel' gadget.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [Q]
This menu has three items:
Reset to defaults
Restores the global settings to the internal defaults of Edge. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [D]
Last saved
Reloads the global settings preference file, either EdgePrg:Edge.global or
the file defined by you at startup with the GLOBAL keyword/tooltype.
Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [L]
Restores the global settings to the state they were in when the requester
was opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
This menu has only one item:
Save icon?
If enabled, an icon will be created for the global settings preference file
when saved. No keyboard equivalent.
NOTE: The menus and action gadgets work on the entire global environment,
not just the section currently displayed.
About the Error list window.
The Error list window is used to view all errors currently linked into
Edge's error list; if no errors are linked the window will not open, and
optionally move the cursor to their position. (Note that the cursor will
always be moved to the position to the currently selected error). To move
the cursor to the position of errors just click on them with the mouse, use
the cursor keys or the 'Top', 'Bottom', 'Next' and 'Previous' gadgets. If
you double click on an error the cursor will move to its position and the
window will close.
The format of the errors displayed are:
<line>:<offset> <the actual error message>
At the bottom there are six gadgets:
Keep the cursor on its present position and close the window. Keyboard
select: 'E'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing the RETURN key or selecting
'Exit' from the menu.
Select the first error in the list and move the cursor to its position.
Keyboard select: 'T'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing [Alt] [CursorUp].
Select the last error in the list and move the cursor to its position.
Keyboard select: 'B'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing [Alt] [CursorDown].
Select the next error in the list and move the cursor to its position.
Keyboard select: 'N'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing [CursorDown].
Select the previous error in the list and move the cursor to its position.
Keyboard select: 'P'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing [CursorUp].
Close the window and move the cursor the the position it was on when the
window was opened. Keyboard select: 'R'
NOTE: The same action is performed by pressing [Esc] or selecting 'Return'
from the menu.
You can also press the HELP key to activate the Edge Help-system which will
then display this page.
The Error list window's menu has three items:
Keep the cursor on its present position and close the window. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [E]
Close the window and move the cursor to the position it was on when the
window was opened. Keyboard equivalent: [Right Amiga] [R]
Snapshot window
Save the current position of the Error list window in the global
environment and use it the next time the requester is called for. Keyboard
equivalent: [Right Amiga] [S]
NOTE: If you wish to permanently save the window position you must save
the Global Settings to disk.
NOTE: If the Error list window is pointer relative the saved position will
NOT be used.
NOTE: The Edge ARexx Command for the Error list window is GoToError SHOW.
NOTE: If no errors are currently linked the Error list window will not
The Edge Default Menu
Menu name Keyboard Edge ARexx Command or Script
Item name Command Executed by Menu Selection
Subitem name Equivalent or Keyboard Equivalent
------------------ ---------- ----------------------------
Clear RCommand N clear
Open... RCommand o open
Include... RCommand O include
Save RCommand s save
Save As... RCommand S saveas
Print RCommand p print
Print To... RCommand p EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_PrintTo.edge
Print As... RCommand P print prompt
About... RCommand ? EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_AboutEdge.edge
Technical Support... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_AboutEdge.edge
Version... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_AboutEdge.edge
Iconify... RCommand I iconify
Quit Program... RCommand Q quit
New Window RCommand w new
New Window w/File... RCommand W EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_OpenNewFile.edge
Close Window RCommand q close
Activate Window
Next RCommand ] activatewindow next
Previous RCommand [ activatewindow previous
Last One Active RCommand t activatewindow lastactive
All Windows
To Maximum Size EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_WinsToFull.edge
Panel Vertically EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_WinsToVert.edge
Panel Horizontally EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_WinsToHorz.edge
Resize Window
Zoom/UnZoom RCommand z window zip
Minimum Size RCommand < window min
Maximum Size RCommand > window max
Split Window
Vertically window splitvertical
Horizontally RCommand . window splithorizontal
Window Information... RAlt ? EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_AboutWindow.edge
Snapshot Window window snapshot
Begin Block RCommand b markblock
Begin Column RCommand B markblock columnar
Cut RCommand x cut
Copy RCommand c copy
Paste RCommand v paste
Global Clipboard
Cut RCommand X cut globalclip
Copy RCommand C copy globalclip
Paste RCommand V paste globalclip
Print Clipboard
Local As... printclip prompt
Global As... printclip globalclip prompt
Erase Block erase
Evaluate Block RCommand = EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_Evaluate.edge
Undo RCommand u undo
Redo RCommand U redo
Enter ASCII... enterascii
Find... RCommand F find
Repeat Find Forward RCommand f findnext
Repeat Find Backwards RCommand a findnext back
Replace... RCommand R findreplace
Repeat Replace Forward RCommand r findreplacenext
Repeat Replace Backwards findreplacenext back
Block To Find Buffer RCommand h blocktofindbuff
Block To Replace Buffer RCommand H blocktoreplacebuff
Word To Find Buffer RAlt h EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_WordToFind.edge
Word To Replace Buffer RAlt H EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_WordToRep.edge
Start/Stop Recording... RCommand m Learn filename ram:Edge.macro
Playback Default Macro RCommand , EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_PlayDefMac.edge
Playback 'N Times... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_PlayNDefMac.edge
Edit Default Macro... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditDefMac.edge
Bind Macro To Key... RCommand M EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_BindKey.edge
Edit A Key... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditKey.edge
Load Macro As Default... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_LoadDefMac.edge
Save Default Macro As... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_SaveDefMac.edge
Send ARexx Command... ESC rx
Send ARexx Command Synchronous... rx sync
Run ARexx Script... Shift ESC rx filereq
Run ARexx Script Synchronous... rx sync filereq
Command Shell RAlt ESC EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_CMDShell.edge
AmigaDOS Shell LAlt ESC EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_DOSShell.edge
Delete File(s)... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_DeleteFile.edge
Insert Datestamp RCommand d EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_TimeDate.edge
Insert Filename... RCommand i EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_TypeName.edge
Name File... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_ChangeName.edge
Set Script Flag EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_ScriptBit.edge
Show Files... EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_Files.edge
Case Change
Change Case Block swapcase block
Upper Case Block RCommand 5 uppercase block
Lower Case Block RCommand 6 lowercase block
Change Case Word swapcase word
Upper Case Word RCommand 7 uppercase word
Lower Case Word RCommand 8 lowercase word
Change Case Letter swapcase char
Upper Case Letter RCommand 9 uppercase word
Lower Case Letter RCommand 0 lowercase word
Hide NumericPad ( fold hide
Show NumericPad ) fold show
Hide Nested Shift NumericPad ( fold hidenested
Show Nested Shift NumericPad ) fold shownested
Hide All RAlt NumericPad ( fold hideall
Show All RAlt NumericPad ) fold showall
Format Paragraph
Left Justified RCommand 1 format left
Right Justified RCommand 2 format right
Centered RCommand 3 format center
Filled RCommand 4 format fill
Move To
AutoMark RCommand l gotoauto
Byte... gotobyte
Error RCommand J gotoerror
Last Change RCommand G undo
Line... RCommand j gotoline
Page... RCommand ; gotopage
Matching Bracket RCommand } findbracket
Set Bookmark
#1..#10 RCommand Shift F1..F10 setbookmark
Move To Bookmark
#1..#10 RCommand F1..F10 gotobookmark
INCLUDE EdgePrg:UserTools.menus" IFEXISTS
If the file 'UserTools.Menu' exists in the EdgePrg: it will be included at
the end of the Tools menu. we suggest you have a BAR at the beginning of
your menu so you can see where your menu items start and ours end.
Local... RCommand e localsettings
General... RCommand E globalsettings
Print... globalsettings printer
Screen... globalsettings screen
Windows... globalsettings windows
Dictionary EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge DictionaryFile
Global Settings EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge GlobalFile
Keyboard EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge KeyboardFile
Local Settings EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge LocalFile
Menus EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge MenusFile
Mousebuttons EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge MouseButtonsFile
Requesters & Texts EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge TextsFile
Templates EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge TemplatesFile
Startup Script EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge StartupFile
Wakeup Script EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_EditConfig.edge WakeupFile
Reload Config File
Dictionary loaddictionary
Global Settings EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_LoadGConfig.edge
Keyboard loadkeyboard
Local Settings EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_LoadLConfig.edge
Local Settings, Default EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_LoadDefLConfig.edge
Menus loadmenus
Mousebuttons loadmousebuttons
Requesters & Texts loadtexts
Templates loadtemplates
Run Startup Script EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_RunStartup.edge
Run Wakeup Script EdgePrg:Rexx/Menu_RunWakeup.edge
If the file 'User.Menu' exists in the EdgePrg: it will be included in the
menu strip. This allows you to add your own custom menus.
The Edge Keyboard: Default Configuration
Keystroke(s) Action
------------ ------
Up cursor up 1
Down cursor down 1
Left cursor left 1
Right cursor right 1
Help help
Delete delete char
BackSpace delete char back
Shift Up options results;cursor up result-1
Shift Down options results;cursor down result-1
Shift Left previous word
Shift Right next word
Shift TAB nop
Shift Delete options results;cut smallclip word
Shift Return newline
Shift BackSpace cut smallclip word back
Control Up previous page
Control Down next page
Control Left options results;cursor left result-1
Control Right options results;cursor right result-1
Control Delete cut smallclip line
Control BackSpace nop
Alt Up position sof
Alt Down position eof
Alt Left position sol
Alt Right position eol
Alt Delete cut smallclip eol
Alt BackSpace cut smallclip eol
Shift Alt Up cursor up 1
Shift Alt Down cursor down 1
Shift Alt Left position sow
Shift Alt Right position eow
RCommand k cut smallclip line
RCommand K paste smallclip
RCommand y cut smallclip eol
RCommand Y cut smallclip sol
RCommand Alt F1 correctword
RCommand Alt F2 completetemplate
RCommand Alt F3 correctcase
NOTE: The following are only valid if Settings/Windows had its KeyPad flag
NumericPad 1 position eof
NumericPad 2 cursor down 1
NumericPad 3 next page
NumericPad 4 cursor left 1
NumericPad 6 cursor right 1
NumericPad 7 position sof
NumericPad 8 cursor up 1
NumericPad 9 previous page
If the file 'User.Keyboard' exists in EdgePrg: it will be included. This
allows you to add your own custom keyboard definitions.
Text Table Configuration
When Edge is first started it will try to load the text configuration,
either the default one EdgePrg:Edge.texts or the one specified by the user
with the TEXTS keyword/tooltype. If the file is not found Edge will use
its internal defaults instead.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadTexts command.
The text configuration file is made up of several independent sections that
may appear in any order, however the format inside the sections is very
strict and must be followed or you may end up with some strange text.
Between the sections you may optionally place an INCLUDE directive to
include another text configuration into the current one. INCLUDES may be
nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the included file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
Each section begins with a name that identifies it (must end with a ':')
and it is terminated with a hash sign '#'. Between the name and the '#'
you put your data, which must be quoted.
If you do not supply a full section the remaining strings will use the
internal defaults, as will all lines starting with a semicolon ';' and all
sections not supplied by you at all.
Below are the different sections and their format listed and explained in
such a way that the explanation is located within the quotes where you
should write your definition.
All menu shortcuts in the text configuration file are normal Amiga
shortcuts, that is ONE SINGLE CASE-INSIGNIFICANT CHARACTER. They are also
optional and may only be supplied if you want them.
The EdgeErrors: section is special since after the quoted string you may
place a decimal number - which is the error's severity level, click on
EdgePrg:Edge.texts to see actual format.
When Edge is first started it will try to load a menu configuration, either
the default one EdgePrg:Edge.menus or the one specified by the user with
the MENUS keyword/tooltype. If the file is not found Edge will use its
internal defaults instead.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadMenus command.
The file is made up of 9 directives:
See next section INCLUDE for an example of the format.
This directive is used to define two things:
1) A new menu if no menu is currently being defined.
2) A sub-menu within the current menu.
The name of the Menu/Submenu, must be supplied or an error is reported. If
the NAME contains any spaces or tabs it must be quoted. To include
non-printable characters use '\\xxx' e.g. 'A' = '\\065', 'ö' = '\\246', ''
= '\\246', '"' = '\\034','*' = '\\042', etc.
The text "in quotes" for each item in the named menu must be preceeded by
the keyword ITEM. Following each item the optional keywords supply
keyboard equivalent shortcuts.
Use this keyword to separate menu items by a bar or line.
Shortcut key for this item, optional. See Keyboard configuration for an
explanation of key-sequences.
The shortcut key qualifiers to test for.
The qualifiers to mask out before testing the qualifier.
When this keyword is used, a standard menu shortcut key is created; that
is, a Right Amiga key with or without shift is automatically generated as
your shortcut key qualifier. Using this keyword renders the KEY, QUALIFIER
and QUALMASK keywords inoperative. (see next section for example.)
The command to execute when the item is selected. The command may be an
internal command, an ARexx string-program, enclosed within single quotes,
or the filename of an ARexx-script or a DOS-command.
This keyword appears at the end of the menu column.
Include another keyboard-configfile.
The name of the file to include must be given, or an error is reported.
Includes may be nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
Switch to suppress the error normally reported if the file does not exists.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the including file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
All lines not beginning with one of those directives, not counting initial
tabs and spaces, are taken as comments and ignored.
Click the button to see the actual default menu config file.
When Edge is first started it will try to load a keyboard configuration,
either the default one EdgePrg:Edge.keyboard or the one specified by the
user with the KEYBOARD keyword/tooltype. If the file is not found Edge
will use its internal defaults instead. This initial loading is always
performed with the FORCE switch present; e.g. no requester will pop up on
keys defined more than once - the last definition will be the active one.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadKeyboard
The keyboard file is made up of two directives:
This directive is used to define a keyboard command.
The actual key to press, without qualifiers, allowed keys are: Any single
key you can create on the keyboard 'a', '!', '' = '\\246', '"' = '\\034',
'*' = '\\042', etc.
The qualifiers that must be pressed in order for the KEY to be valid.
Available qualifiers are:
SHIFT Either shift key
LSHIFT Left shift key
RSHIFT Right shift key
ALT Either alt key
LALT Left alt key
RALT Right alt key
CONTROL Control key
RCOMMAND Right amiga key
LCOMMAND Left amiga key
NUMERICPAD A key on the numeric keypad
NOTE: The qualifiers not given must not be pressed for the KEY to be
NOTE: CAPSLOCK always ignored when dealing with key-sequences.
The qualifiers that are to be masked out before the qualifier test is made.
A few examples to show how this works:
KEY "2" Q "shift"
Depress shift and no other qualifier and press '2'.
KEY "@" QM "shift alt"
The '@' character, ignore shift and alt qualifiers.
KEY="C" Q="control" QM="shift"
Depress control and shift and press 'c' assuming 'C' is mapped to shift 'c'.
KEY "c" Q="control shift"
Depress control and shift and press 'c'.
KEY "?" Q="rcommand" QM="shift"
Right amiga and '?', wherever it may be.
KEY "f10"
Function key 10, with no qualifiers.
KEY "+" Q="numericpad"
The '+' key on the numeric keypad.
By using the QUALMASK and ignoring qualifiers, especially shift, gives
greater flexibility for different keymaps, by not using the QUALMASK will
give you greater control over exactly which keys to press.
The command to execute may be an internal command, an ARexx string program,
enclosed within single quotes, or the name of a ARexx script or
Include another keyboard-configfile.
The name of the file to include must be given, or an error is reported.
Includes may be nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
Suppresses the requester that will pop up if a key already exists, asking
you if overwriting is OK.
Switch to suppress the error normally reported if the file does not exists.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the including file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
All lines not beginning with any of the directives, not counting leading
spaces and tabs, are treated as comments and ignored.
Click the button to see the actual default keyboard config file.
When Edge is first started it will try to load a mouse button
configuration, either the default one EdgePrg:Edge.mousebuttons or the one
specified by you with the KEYBOARD keyword/tooltype. If the file is not
found no mouse button commands will be installed. This initial loading is
always performed with the FORCE switch present, i.e. no requester will pop
up on buttons defined more than once - the last definition will be the
active one.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadMouseButtons
The mouse button config file is made up of two directives:
This directive is used to define a mouse button command.
BUTTON The mouse click sequence to press, allowed types are:
DOUBLELEFT Double-click the left button.
DOUBLEMIDDLE Double-click the middle button.
LEFTMIDDLE Depress left button and click middle button.
LEFTRIGHT Depress left button and click right button.
MIDDLELEFT Depress middle button and click left button.
MIDDLERIGHT Depress middle button and click right button.
NOTE: The following four click sequences are extensions to the four last
sequences listed above. The commands installed using the above click
sequences will ALWAYS be executed BEFORE the commands installed using the
click sequences below. Care should be taken when using the four click
sequences below, since it is impossible to avoid the execution of the
commands installed with the click sequences above. However, the default
mouse button configuration file shows a good example of where those click
sequences can be made useful.
LEFTDOUBLEMIDDLE Depress left button and double-click middle.
LEFTDOUBLERIGHT Depress left button and double-click right.
MIDDLEDOUBLELEFT Depress middle button and double-click left.
MIDDLEDOUBLERIGHT Depress middle button and double-click right.
The keyboard qualifiers to test for. See Keyboard configuration for an
explanation of key-sequences.
The keyboard qualifiers to mask out before testing the qualifier.
An explanation of the above: If Q = shift and QM = alt then that means
that you MUST depress either shift-key for the click sequence to be valid,
but whether you depress any alt key as well is insignificant.
The command to execute may be an internal command, an ARexx string program,
enclosed within single quotes, or the name of an ARexx script or
Include another mouse button configfile.
The name of the file to include must be given, or an error is reported.
Includes may be nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
Suppresses the requester that will pop up if a key already exists, asking
you if overwriting is OK.
Switch to suppress the error normally reported if the file does not exists.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the included file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
All lines not beginning with any of the directives, not counting leading
spaces and tabs, are treated as comments and ignored.
Click the following button to see the actual config file for mousebuttons.
When Edge is first started it will try to load a template configuration,
either the default one EdgePrg:Edge.templates or the one specified by you
with the TEMPLATES keyword/tooltype. If the file is not found no templates
will be installed. This initial loading is always performed with the FORCE
switch present; i.e. no requester will pop up on templates defined more
than once - the last definition will be the active one.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadTemplates
The template config file is made up of two directives:
This directive is used to define a template.
The text used to check for a match, i.e. identify the template. Case is
not important. If a template already exists and the FORCE switch is not
on, a requester will pop up asking you about which definition to use.
The text to fill in if the template matches. The characters used to match
the template will be overwritten when this text is inserted. There are two
special characters you may use in the fill-text:
'@' Position the cursor on the character after this when the fill-text has
been filled in.
'«' Insert a 'backspace' in the fill-text.
To include a true '@' or '«' simply type two. To include non printing
characters use decimal code: '\\xxx' e.g. '\\169' = '-', '\\065' = 'A',
'\\010' = LF, etc.
Include another template configfile.
The name of the file to include must be given, or an error is reported.
Includes may be nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
Suppresses the requester that will pop up if a key already exists, asking
you if overwriting is OK.
Switch to suppress the error normally reported if the file does not exists.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the included file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
All lines not beginning with any of the directives, not counting leading
spaces and tabs, are treated as comments and ignored.
Click the following to see an example config file, the 'C_Templates' file
included with Edge in the 'Templates' directory.
When Edge is first started it will try to load a dictionary configuration,
either the default one EdgePrg:Edge.dictionary or the one specified by you
with the DICTIONARY keyword/tooltype. If the file is not found no
dictionary will be installed. This initial loading is always performed
with the FORCE switch present; i.e. no requester will pop up on words
defined more than once - the last definition will be the active one. The
dictionary is used with the CorrectCase and CorrectWord functions, and you
must have a dictionary for those functions to work.
You may load another configuration at any time with the LoadDictionary
The dictionary config file is made up of two directives:
This directive is used to define a word in the dictionary.
The word you wish to add to the dictionary. If it already exists and the
FORCE switch is not given a requester will pop up asking you about which
definition to use.
Include another dictionary configfile.
The name of the file to include must be given, or an error is reported.
Includes may be nested up to 8 levels before an error is reported.
Suppresses the requester that will pop up if a key already exists, asking
you if overwriting is OK.
Switch to suppress the error normally reported if the file does not exists.
When using nested includes the current directory will be set to the path of
the including file before the next level of include is called. This is
useful when creating files like the 'all.xxx' files in the 'Dictionaries'
directories - including all files in the current directory.
All lines not beginning with any of the directives, not counting leading
spaces and tabs, are treated as comments and ignored.
Click the following button to see an example of a 'C_dictionary' included
in the 'Dictionaries' directory on disk.
ARexx Macros
ARexx Commands and Macros in Edge
ARexx Commands must be sent to an ARexx command Host or a Port Name. If
you are within Edge you may send ARexx Commands to Edge itself. These are
called macros. In the "Macros/Bind Macro to Key" menu, you may sample for
a "hot-key" sequence of keystrokes. After you OK the key sequence, a file
requester opens and you may choose the ARexx program you want executed
every time the hot-key sequence is pressed (with Edge running, of course).
Later if you want to assign another macro to that hot-key sequence use the
"Macros/Edit a Key" menu. In this way, you may customize Edge as much as
you want.
If you want to bind a single ARexx command to a key, it is best done by
editing the keyboard file directly, as you don't need to maintain a file
for the command as you do when you bind a macro to a key. Use the
Settings/Edit/Keyboard menu to open the keyboard configuration file.
Edge has an ARexx or host address which is case sensitive. The primary
ARexx port is normally "EDGE" and is also the screen title text. Normally
you won't talk to this port.
Additionally, each window in turn opens its own ARexx port with the
following syntax (case sensitive):
EDGE1.1.2 means Edge, window 1, view 2
EDGE1.3.4 means Edge, window 3, view 4
If your ARexx macro needs to send commands between windows, then you need
to do an address instruction to change the current address to the window
you want to send the command to.
There is a rich ARexx command set for Edge, and there are plenty of example
programs to use or learn from. Teaching you to program in ARexx is beyond
the scope of this on-line help. Click for more info
See ARexx commands for more information
See ARexx macros & hot-keys for more information
Edge ARexx Command Set
All commands return their result in the ARexx RESULT variable; the RC
variable indicates failure or success (0=success, any other value is
severity level on the error that occurred).
BeepScreen ,
BlockInfo ,
BlockOff ,
BlockToFindBuff ,
BlockToReplaceBuff ,
CheckAbort ,
ClearErr ,
CloseRexxIO ,
CompleteTemplate TEMPLATE
CorrectCase WORD
CorrectWord WORD
CurrentDir DIRNAME
DisableUser ,
EnableUser ,
Erase ,
FindBracket ,
FindCFunction ,
FindIMark MARK/A/N
FindLabel ,
FindNext BACK/S
FindReplaceNext ONCE/S,ALL/S,BACK/S
GoToAuto ,
GoToBookMark MARK/A/N
LocalSettings ,
EdgeToBack ,
EdgeToFront ,
Nop ,
Previous WORD/S,PAGE/S
Redo ,
RequestNotify TITLE/K,STRING/A/F
SetBookMark MARK/A/N
Undo ,
Wakeup ,
If the SHOW switch is present the about string will be displayed using the
Notify requester and in this case the function will not return until the
user closes the Notify requester.
Specify TECHSUPPORT to get information about how and where to contact
technical support.
Specify VERSION to get version information about Edge, Kickstart, Workbench
and your computer.
Without VERSION and TECHSUPPORT specified About will give copyright
information, mailing addresses and phone numbers.
SHOW - Use this flag to display the about string with a Message
VERSION - Get version information
TECHSUPPORT - Get technical support information
A string containing information on the selected topic.
Activate a window for USER input. Take care when using this function from
ARexx, since the host address doesn't change. If you wish to change the
host address to that of the activated window you must 'address value
result' using the result from this function.
PORT - Activate the Edge window with the given ARexx address, if the
port is not found no window will be activated.
TOP - Activate the first window in the first file.
BOTTOM - Activate the last window in the last file.
NEXT - Activate the next window in the window list.
PREVIOUS - Activate the previous window in the window list.
LASTACTIVE - Activate the window previously active, useful for toggling
between two windows.
CURRENT - Activate the Edge window attached to the current ARexx address.
NEXT and PREVIOUS are circular, which means that if the current window is
the last one and you specify NEXT you will activate the first window in the
first file, and if the current window is the first one and you specify
PREVIOUS you will activate the last window in the last file.
If no switches are specified the last text window receiving input from the
user will be activated.
You may only specify one of the switches at a time.
The ARexx-address of the activated window.
Add an error message to the error list.
CHAR - Character offset on the line.
LINE - Line-number where the error occurred.
MESSAGE - The error/warning message itself.
Get the ARexx-address of an Edge window. If no parameters are specified
the address of the current window will be returned.
FILENAME - Get the address of the first window in the file with the given
filename; the search is made ignoring the Edge path components.
FULLNAME - Get the address of the first window in the file with the given
filename; the search is made taking into account the Edge path
TOP - Get the address of the first window in the first file.
BOTTOM - Get the address of the first window in the last file.
NEXT - Get the address of the first window in the next file.
PREVIOUS - Get the address of the first window in the previous file.
TW - Get the address of the first window in the window list.
BW - Get the address of the last window in the window list.
NW - Get the address of the next window in the window list.
PW - Get the address of the previous window in the window list.
NEXT and PREVIOUS are circular which means that if the current file is the
last one and you specify NEXT you will get the address of the first file,
and if the current file is the first one and you specify PREVIOUS you will
get the address of the last file. The same goes for the window switches
and the window list.
You may only specify one of the parameters at a time.
The ARexx-address of the specified file.
BeepScreen ,
Flash the screen Edge is running on.
BlockInfo ,
Returns information on the currently selected block. If no block is
currently selected an error is returned.
The info returned are five decimal numbers and a word; the start line and
column of the block, the current (end of block) line and column, the
byte-size of the block and a flag telling you whether the block is a
"Normal" block or a "Columnar" one.
BlockOff ,
Turn off block mode.
Copies the currently selected block to the buffer starting at the given
address, but copies no more than MAXSIZE bytes. Use with caution since it
is easy to cause a memory overwrite.
ADDRESS - Decimal address, pointing to the start of the buffer.
MAXSIZE - Maximun number of bytes that may be transferred (allocated size
of the buffer).
The actual number of bytes copied.
BlockToReplaceBuff ,
Copies the currently selected block to the _FE_ReplaceString buffer.
The number of bytes copied.
BlockToFindBuff ,
Copies the currently selected block to the _FE_FindString buffer.
The number of bytes copied.
Changes the size and/or the position of an Edge text window. To find out
what the size/position actually became, use the Window command.
LEFTEDGE - Move the window to this absolute X position.
TOPEDGE - Move the window to this absolute Y position.
WIDTH - Change the window's width to this absolute width.
HEIGHT - Change the window's height to this absolute height.
DELTAX - Move the window horizontally this amount relative to the
current or specified absolute X position.
DELTAY - Move the window vertically this amount relative to the current
position or specified absolute Y position.
DELTAW - Change the window's width with this amount relative to the
current or specified absolute width.
DELTAH - Change the window's height with this amount relative to the
current or specified absolute height.
CheckAbort ,
This command used to check if CTRL-C has been pressed by the user, if so
the user abort error is returned, e.g. RC=~0. If CTRL-C has not been
pressed RC will equal 0.
NOTE: The state of the CTRL-C flag is cleared by this command.
The Menu_PlayNDefMac.edge script uses this command to see if the user wants
to abort while playing back the default macro.
RC~=0 if CTRL-C has been pressed, RC=0 if not.
Clears the current file, flushes the undo-buffer and optionally resets the
local settings to default. The FORCE switch suppresses the requester that
will pop up if any changes have been made to the file, asking the user to
confirm that losing the changes is OK. If the RESTORELS switch is present
the local settings will be loaded with defaults; if not present the
settings are kept as they are.
FORCE - Suppresses the requester prompting the user about losing any
RESTORELS - Loads the local settings with default values.
The new name for this file.
Clears the selected clipboard, global if GLOBALCLIP is specified, else the
local one, and free all memory used.
GLOBALCLIP - Flag to select the global clip for clearing.
ClearErr ,
Clears the error list, removes all errors linked and frees all memory used.
You should use this command before you start a new assembly/compilation.
Quits the current file. If the current file is the last one then Edge will
either iconify or quit depending on the DORMANTQUIT flag in _GE_Flags. The
FORCE switch suppresses the requester that will pop up if any changes have
been made to the file, asking the user to confirm that losing the changes
is OK. The FORCEREXX switch suppresses the requester that will pop up if
any of the file windows have any outstanding ARexx messages (the requester
is only visually suppressed - the outstanding messages must return before
the editor can be unloaded). The FORCEOK switch suppresses the requester
that pops up if no changes are made and no ARexx messages are outstanding,
asking if quitting the file is OK. If the SAVE switch is present the file
will be saved before it is closed. The ICON, NOICON, BACKUP and NOBACKUP
switches are used to force or suppress icon and backup creation when
saving. The NOQUIT switch is used to make sure that Edge will not
unload/iconify if the last file is force closed.
BACKUPS - Forces create backups for all files saved.
FORCE - Suppresses the requester asking the user about losing any
FORECEOK - Suppresses the 'OK to close file..' requester.
FORCEREXX - Suppresses the 'ARexx outstanding messages' requester.
SAVE - Saves the file before it is closed.
ICON - Forces create an icon.
NOICON - Suppresses icon creation.
BACKUP - Forces a backup to be saved.
NOBACKUP - Suppresses backup creation.
NOQUIT - Switch to suppress quiting the editor if the last file is force
CloseRexxIO ,
When used, CloseRexxIO will tag the ARexx Input/Output (IO) stream so when
all outstanding ARexx messages have returned, the ARexx IO stream will be
closed regardless of setfont, close delay, etc.
CompleteTemplate TEMPLATE
Searches the template-list for a match to TEMPLATE or the word currently
under the cursor. If a match, and only one, is found then if a TEMPLATE
was specified the fill-text is returned as the result and if no TEMPLATE
was given the fill-text is inserted into the file.
In order to match a template you need only give enough characters to
uniquely separate it from the rest of the templates, i.e. if 'while' is
the only template beginning on 'w' you need only give a 'w' in order to get
a match.
You must have loaded a template configuration or created at least one
template with the Template command in order for this function to do
The fill-text may contain two special characters:
Position the cursor on the character after this one when the fill-text has
been inserted.
Insert a 'backspace'.
To include a true '@' or '«' simply type two in a row '@@' or '««'.
TEMPLATE - Template to match or nothing to use the word under the cursor.
If a TEMPLATE is given the fill-text is not inserted into the file but
returned as the result from this function. On the other hand, if no
TEMPLATE is given the fill-text is inserted and the final cursor position
is returned as the result.
Copies the currenly selected block to one of the clipboards. If GLOBALCLIP
is specified the text will be copied to the global clipboard; if SMALLCLIP
is specified the text will be copied to the small clipboard; and if
RESULTBUFF is specified the text will be copied to the ARexx result buffer,
else the text will be copied to the local clipboard. The contents of the
small clipboard are found in the Edge environment variable _FE_SmallClip.
With normal block operations you must first select or mark the text you
wish to copy to a clipboard, but that is not the case with the following
switches: CHAR, WORD, LINE, SOL, and EOL. When you specify any of those
switches the selected entity will be automatically marked and copied to the
selected clipboard. If the APPEND flag is specified the newly copied text
is not just put into the specified clip but joined to the end of what is
already in the clip - with this switch you can merge text from different
places into the clip and then insert it all in one go.
GLOBALCLIP - Flag to select the globalclip.
SMALLCLIP - Flag to select the smallclip.
CHAR - Auto mark and copy the character under the cursor.
WORD - Auto mark and copy the word beginning under and extending to
the right of the cursor plus trailing spaces.
BACK - This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If given
the text to the left of the cursor is copied instead of the
text to the right.
LINE - Auto mark and copy the whole current line.
SOL - Auto mark and copy all characters from the start of the line
to the cursor, not including the character under the cursor.
EOL - Auto mark and copy all characters from the cursor, including
the character under the cursor, to the end of the line.
APPEND - Merge mode.
RESULTBUFF - Copies to the ARexx result buffer, note that blocks larger
than 1k will be truncated.
CorrectCase WORD
Searches the dictionary for a case-insignificant match to WORD or the word
currently under the cursor. If a match is found then if a WORD was
specified the word found in the dictionary is returned as the result and if
no WORD was given the word under the cursor will be replaced with the word
found in the dictionary.
In order to get a match the word must be spelled correctly.
You must have loaded a dictionary or created at least one entry in the
dictionary with the Dictionary command in order for this function to do
WORD - Word to correct or nothing to use the word under the cursor.
The word found in the dictionary.
CorrectWord WORD
Searches the dictionary for the best fitting word according to WORD or the
word currently under the cursor. If a match is found then if a WORD was
specified the word found in the dictionary is returned as the result and if
no WORD was given, the word under the cursor will be replaced with the word
found in the dictionary.
You must have loaded a dictionary or created at least one entry in the
dictionary with the Dictionary command in order for this function to do
Edge uses a best fit function to try to correct the given word. If it is
spelled too badly Edge will not be able to correct it. However - Edge
would rather guess than fail, so if you try to correct a word that is not
in the dictionary you may end up with the closest thing Edge could find.
This should not be a problem since it is easy to undo changes.
The first letter must be correct and enough letters typed for the
correction to have a chance to be successful; i.e. you can not type
'sewiti' and hope that it will be corrected to 'SetWindowTitles'.
WORD - Word to correct or nothing to use the word under the cursor.
The word found in the dictionary.
CurrentDir DIRNAME
Changes the current directory for Edge. If the DIRNAME is not present the
user will be prompted with the FileRequester to select a directory.
DIRNAME - The new current directory, or nothing to prompt the user.
The old current directorypath.
Moves the cursor. You may give more than one argument in order to move the
cursor both horizontally and vertically with one call. The vertical
movement is always executed first. The horizontal movement will not wrap
at sol/eol.
UP - Number of lines to move up, towards sof.
DOWN - Number of lines to move down, towards eof.
LEFT - Number of characters to move left, towards sol.
RIGHT - Number of characters to move right, towards eol.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Cuts the currently selected block from the file to one of the clipboards.
If GLOBALCLIP is specified the text will be cut to the global clipboard; if
SMALLCLIP is specified the text will be cut to the small clipboard; and if
RESULTBUFF is specified the text will be cut to the ARexx result buffer,
else the text will be cut to the local clipboard. The contents of the
small clipboard is found in the Edge environment variable _FE_SmallClip.
With normal block operations you must first select or mark the text you
wish to cut to a clipboard, but that is not the case with the following
switches: CHAR, WORD, LINE, SOL, and EOL. When you specify any of those
switches the selected entity will be automatically marked and cut to the
selected clipboard. If the APPEND flag is specified the newly cut text is
not just put into the specified clip but joined to the end of that which is
already in the clip - with this switch you can merge text from different
places into the clip and then insert it all in one go.
GLOBALCLIP - Flag to select the globalclip.
SMALLCLIP - Flag to select the smallclip.
CHAR - Auto mark and cut the character under the cursor.
WORD - Auto mark and cut the word beginning under and extending to
the right of the cursor plus trailing spaces.
BACK - This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If given
the text to the left of the cursor is cut instead of the
text to the right.
LINE - Auto mark and cut the whole current line.
SOL - Auto mark and cut all characters from the start of the line
to the cursor, not including the character under the cursor.
EOL - Auto mark and cut all characters from the cursor, including
the character under the cursor, to the end of the line.
APPEND - Merge mode.
RESULTBUFF - Cuts to the ARexx result buffer, note that blocks larger
than 1k will be truncated.
Delete characters in some different and useful ways.
CHAR - Delete the character under the cursor; the text to the right of
the deleted character is moved to the left. The cursor is not
WORD - Delete the word beginning under and extending to the right of the
cursor plus trailing spaces; the text to the right of the deleted
word is moved to the left. The cursor is not moved.
BACK - This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If given the
text to the left of the cursor is deleted instead of the text to
the right.
LINE - Delete the whole current line.
SOL - Delete all characters from the start of the line to the cursor,
not including the character under the cursor.
EOL - Delete all characters from the cursor, including the character
under the cursor, to the end of the line.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Inquires about, removes or adds a word to the dictionary. If no switches
are given the current definition of WORD will be returned, if it exists.
WORD - The word you wish to affect.
ADD - Switch used to add WORD to the dictionary.
FORCE - Switch to suppress the 'OK to overwrite' requester that will
pop up if WORD already exists.
REMOVE - Switch to remove WORD from the dictionary.
The old definition of WORD.
DisableUser ,
Inhibit user input in the current window and sets the busy pointer. This
function is nested and must be matched by an equal number of EnableUser
calls to reenable user input.
EnableUser ,
Decreases the input lock counter for this window and if zero reenables user
input and clears the busy pointer.
This function is provided so that the user may enter non-printable
characters into the text. When the function is called without the argument
a requester will pop up to get the ASCII number from the user. The Text
function can be used to perform the same function as EnterASCII with an
ASCII - ASCII value of the character to enter, or if nothing entered,
prompts the user.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Erase ,
Delete the currently selected block of text.
Get the error string assigned to the given number, if no number is given,
the return code from the last function is used. If RAW is specified
unprintable characters will be translated to '\\xxx', e.g. LF = '\\010'.
ERRNUM - The error number to inquire about, or input nothing to find out
what went wrong with the command last called.
RAW - Switch to inhibit '\\xxx' translation.
An error message.
Finds a string in the text. If the FIND string is not given, prompts the
user with the Find requester to enter the string to find. UCEQLC, FORWARD,
WILDCARD, WORDS and CIRCULAR are optional flags to define how the search
will be made. If not given, the current setting of the flag with the same
name in _FE_Flags (displayed in the Find requester) will be used; if the
option equals 0, meaning 'not in use', or 'reversed', setting the option
equal to any other number will enable the option.
Pattern matching will only be enabled if the WILDCARD option is enabled and
the string to search for contains wildcard characters. For example if you
want to search for a period followed by only one space then you would use
the following in the search field @{"#?. ~( )#?" link DosWildCards}.
In order to enter non printable characters use backslash and a three digit
decimal number e.g. '\\010' for LF, '\\000' for NULL, etc.
CIRCULAR - Search circular (wrap at sof/eof).
FIND - The string to search for, or nothing to prompt the user.
FORWARD - Search forward in the file, else backwards.
UCEQLC - Treat upper case as lower case.
WILDCARD - Use pattern-matching when searching.
WORDS - Search only for whole words.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindBracket ,
Search for a match to the bracket currently under the cursor. Valid
brackets are '(', ')', '[', ']', '{' and '}'.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindCFunction ,
Search the file for the definition of the C function currently under the
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Finds a string in the text and replaces it and stops if ONCE is specified;
replaces it and all other occurrences without prompting the user if ALL is
specified; or prompts the user if neither ONCE nor ALL is given. When
prompted the user may select to do the following:
(Y)es Replace this occurrence of the find string and search for the
next occurrence.
(N)o Don't replace, but search for the next.
(L)ast Replace and quit searching.
(A)ll Replace this and then find and change all occurrences not previously
found without further prompting.
Quit Don't replace and Stop searching.
If the FIND or REPLACE string is not specified, the user will be prompted
with the Find/Replace requester to enter the string to search for and the
replacement string. UCEQLC, FORWARD, WILDCARD, WORDS and CIRCULAR are
optional flags to define how the search will be made. If not given, the
current setting of the flag with the same name in _FE_Flags (displayed in
the Find/Replace requester) will be used, if the option is 0, it is not in
use or reversed, so any other number will enable the option.
Pattern matching will only be enabled if the WILDCARD option is enabled and
the string to search for contains wildcard characters. Click for more
information about wildcards.
In order to enter non-printable characters use backslash and a three digit
decimal number e.g. '\\010' for LF, '\\000' for NULL, etc.
ONCE - Replace once without prompting the user, then stop.
ALL - Replace every occurrence without prompting the user.
FIND - The string to search for, or nothing to prompt the user.
REPLACE - The replace string.
UCEQLC - Treat upper case as lower case.
FORWARD - Search forward in the file, else backwards.
WILDCARD - Use pattern-matching when searching.
WORDS - Search only for whole words.
CIRCULAR - Search circular (wrap at sof/eof).
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindReplaceNext ONCE/S,ALL/S,BACK/S
Finds a string in the text and replaces it and stops if ONCE is specified;
replaces it and all other occurrences without prompting the user if ALL is
specified; or prompts the user if neither ONCE nor ALL is given. When
prompted the user may select to do the following:
(Y)es Replace this occurrence of the find string and search for the
next occurrence.
(N)o Don't replace, but search for the next.
(L)ast Replace and quit searching.
(A)ll Replace this and then find and change all occurrences not previously
found without further prompting.
Quit Don't replace and Stop searching.
The search is made using the contents of the _FE_FindString buffer and the
search flags in _FE_Flags, the replacement string used is
_FE_ReplaceString. If BACK is specified the search is made backwards in
the file, towards sof (start of file).
ONCE - Replace once without prompting the user, then stop.
ALL - Replace every occurrence without prompting the user.
BACK - The search will be made backwards, towards sof.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindIMark MARK/A/N
Searches the file for the specified IMark. First the IMark image is
expanded using the supplied argument and then the search is made. In the
IMark image a small x specifies the mark number, so '/*x*/' will expand to
'/*4*/' if the argument is 4 and '/*-999*/' if the argument is -999. The
IMark must be placed at column 1. The search is case-sensitive.
MARK - The imark number to search for.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindLabel ,
Searches the file for the definition of the label currently under the
cursor. The label must be a standard assembler label using characters 'a'
- 'z', 'A' - 'Z', '0' - '9', '.' and '_'. It must start on column 1 if not
ended with a colon ':'. If ended with a colon ':' it may start on any
column if all characters preceding it are spaces and/or tabs. The search
is case-sensitive.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
FindNext BACK/S
Searches for the current contents of _FE_FindString in the text. If BACK
is specified the search is made backwards.
BACK - The search will be made backwards, towards sof.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Change and/or inquire about the state of a flag. If none of the action
switches are specified the flag is left unchanged.
FIELD - What flag field to affect.
FLAG - What flag to change or inquire about.
TOGGLE - Toggle the state of the flag.
SET - Set the flag.
CLEAR - Clear the flag.
The old state of the flag.
Change the font(s).
NAME - Name of the font to use, with or without .font.
SIZE - Size of the font to use.
SCREEN - The change will affect the screen font.
TEXT - The change will affect the text font.
GADGET - The change will affect the gadget font.
BOLD - Use Bold style.
ITALIC - Use Italic style.
UNDERLINE - Use UnderLined style.
SCALE - Allow font scaling.
Font GADGET TEXT SCREEN BOLD ; change all fonts to bold style
Font SIZE 16 SCREEN ; change size of the screen font
This command is used to show and hide folds in the text. In order to hide
a piece of text by folding it, the text must be enclosed within special
foldmarkers, defined by _FE_FoldStart and _FE_FoldEnd, and the cursor
positioned within the text you wish to fold, unless HIDEALL is specified.
The foldmarkers must appear on column one of the line they are in. The
default definition is '/*fs*/' for _FE_FoldStart and '/*fe*/' for
_FE_FoldEnd. To show a piece of text, unfold it, the cursor must be
positioned on the line just above or below the text you wish to unfold.
Normally this is easy since the foldmarkers aren't hidden when folded, so
just put the cursor on one of the lines with the foldmarkers enclosing the
folded text. If SHOWALL is specified the cursor may be positioned anywhere
- all folds are shown anyway.
SHOW - Unfold the current fold.
HIDE - Fold the current fold.
SHOWNESTED - Unfold the entire tree of the current fold.
HIDENESTED - Fold the entire tree of the current fold.
SHOWALL - Unfold all folds.
HIDEALL - Fold all folds.
Formats a paragraph of text, starting at the current line and continuing to
the first empty or hard-space indented line. If the first line is
hard-space indented, that indent will be used for the entire formatted
paragraph. Only one formatting option may be specified at a time. The
indent of the first line is kept if the format is LEFT or FILL.
Punctuation marks, e.g. end of sentence characters, and the number of
spaces to put after, e.g. the number of spaces between end of sentence -
start of sentence, are defined by two variables:
LEFT - Straight left edge, ragged right edge.
RIGHT - Straight right edge, ragged left edge.
CENTER - Center the lines, ragged left- and right edges.
FILL - Straight left- and right edges.
Get the value of an Edge environment variable.
NAME - The name of the variable to read.
RAW - Switch to suppress the '\\xxx' translation of 'non-printing' chars.
The value of the given variable.
Bring up the Global Settings control panel so the user can alter the
settings. If no startup switch is given general settings will be
PRINTER - Show printer settings when opened.
SCREEN - Show screen settings when opened.
WINDOWS - Show window settings when opened.
Edge Help : GoToAuto
GoToAuto ,
Moves the cursor to AutoBookMark. The AutoBookMark is a special bookmark
automatically set, before the cursor is moved, by the following commands:
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
GoToBookMark MARK/A/N
Moves the cursor to the given bookmark. The number must be within the
valid range 1 - 10 or an error will be reported.
MARK - Bookmark to move to.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Moves the cursor to the given byte in the file; if no argument is given the
user will be prompted for a number.
BYTE - Byte to move to, or nothing to prompt the user.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Moves the cursor to the given column on the current line, or if no argument
is given prompts the user for a number and uses that.
COLUMN - Column to move to, or nothing to prompt the user.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Moves the cursor to the line and column of the next entry in the error-list
and displays the error-message in the window title bar. If an ERRNUMBER is
given, then this function goes to and displays this error, and if PREVIOUS
is specified, then it displays the previous error in the list. If SHOW is
specified a window will open, displaying all errors linked, but if the
error list is currently empty no window will open.
ERRNUMBER Go to the error number given, or the last error linked if the
number specified is greater than the number of errors linked.
PREVIOUS Switch used to move backwards in the error-list.
SHOW Switch to open a window in which all linked errors can be
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Moves the cursor to the given line, or if no argument is given prompts the
user for a number and uses that.
LINE - Line to move to, or nothing to prompt the user.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Moves the cursor to the first line of the given page, or if no argument is
given prompts the user for a page number and uses that.
PAGE - Page to move to, or if nothing, prompts the user.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Activates the Help-system and displays the named section if given, else
displays the last visited section. If the help system is activated for the
first time and no section is given, the MainMenu will be displayed. The
switches are used to control the operation of the help system.
HELPFILE - The help-file to use, default 'EdgePrg:help/Edge.guide'.
SECTION - The section to display at activation.
LOADINDEX - Force load index at startup.
LOADALL - Force load the entire database at startup.
CACHENODE - Cache each section as visited.
KEEPCACHE - Hold on to the buffers until purged.
QUIT - Tell AmigaGuide to close down and free all buffers.
Makes Edge dormant. If ICONWINDOW, in _GE_Flags, is enabled a small
icon-window will be opened in the Workbench screen. To wake up Edge either
activate the icon-window and press the right mouse button or press the Edge
hotkey, as defined in _GE_CX_PopKey, or send a 'Wakeup' or a 'New' command
to the global Edge ARexx port. If you wish to quit Edge when in dormant
mode either click the close gadget in the icon-window or use Commodities
Exchange to kill it, or send a 'Quit' command to the global Edge ARexx
port. The FORCE switch suppresses the requester that will pop up if any
changes have been made to any file, asking the user to confirm that losing
the changes is OK. The FORCEOK switch suppresses the requester that pops
up if no changes are made and no ARexx messages are outstanding, asking if
quitting the file is OK. The FORCEREXX switch suppresses the requester
that will pop up if any of the windows have any outstanding ARexx messages
(the requester is only visually suppressed - the outstanding messages must
return before the editor can be unloaded). If the SAVE switch is present
all changes will be saved before Edge is iconified. The ICON, NOICON,
BACKUP and NOBACKUP switches are used to force or suppress icon and backup
creation when saving. Edge will NOT iconify if there are outstanding ARexx
messages. All ARexx messages must return before Edge will iconify.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user about losing any changes.
FORCEREXX - Suppress the 'ARexx outstanding messages' requester.
FORCEOK - Suppress the 'OK to iconify Edge' requester.
SAVE - Save the file(s) before iconifying.
ICONS - Force create icons for all files saved.
NOICONS - Suppress icon creation for all files saved.
BACKUPS - Force create backups for all files saved.
NOBACKUPS - Suppress backup creation for all files saved.
Includes the named file in the current file at the current cursor position.
If no file is given, prompts the user with a FileRequester for a filename.
FILENAME - Name of the file to include, or nothing to prompt the user.
The name of the included file.
Inquire about, remove, change or add a keyboard command.
KEY - The key to use.
QUALIFIER - The qualifiers to test for.
QUALMASK - The qualifiers to mask out before the qualifier test is made.
ASK - Use this switch to get the current command assigned to KEY.
FORCE - Suppresses the requester that will pop up if KEY already exists.
COMMAND - The command to be assigned to KEY.
KeyBoard "up" ask ; will normally return "cursor up 1".
KeyBoard "up" ; remove the installed command.
KeyBoard up cursor down 1 ; add it again.
KeyBoard up force cursor up 1 ; make it right this time.
The old command assigned to KEY
Starts/Stops the recording of a macro. If this command is issued and no
macro is currently defined, a new macro will be created with the given
name, or 'ram:Edge.macro' if no name is given. If this command is issued
and a macro is currently defined, then the macro recording is stopped.
When macro recording is enabled, the commands executed by the user, menu or
keyboard events, and normal typing will also be written to the macrofile as
an ARexx script that can later be executed.
FILENAME - The name of the macro, or nothing for the default name
Loads a new dictionary configuration from the file with the given name. If
no name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.dictionary or the
name defined by you at startup with the DICTIONARY keyword/tooltype, is
used. The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop up
if a word already exists. If the APPEND switch is present the current
dictionary will not be cleared before the new one is loaded, so you can
merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the 'OK to overwrite..' requester.
APPEND - Merge mode.
Loads environment variables from a file. Normally the environment
variables are stored in two files; Edge.global and Edge.local. However,
you may choose to save all environment variables in one file and then use
LoadENV to load it all. If no FILENAME is given the user will be prompted
with the FileRequester to enter a filename. The Pattern is used to select
which variables to load and supports wildcard expansion. If no pattern is
given all variables present in the file will be loaded.
FILENAME - The name of the env-file to load, no name prompts the user.
GE - Use this switch to load the Global Environment Variables.
LE - Use this switch to load the Local Environment Variables.
DEFLE - Use this switch to load the Default Environment Variables.
PATTERN - Pattern to select which variables to load, or nothing for all.
LoadEnv 'my_edge.prefs' GE LE DEFLE
The name of the loaded prefs-file.
Loads a new keyboard definition from the file with the given name. If no
name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.keyboard or the name
defined by the user at startup with the KEYBOARD keyword/tooltype, is used.
The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop up if a
key already exists. If the APPEND switch is present the current keyboard
definition will not be cleared before the new one is loaded, so you can
merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the 'OK to overwrite..' requester.
APPEND - Merge mode.
Loads a new menu definition from the file with the given name. If no name
is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.menus or the name defined
by the user at startup with the MENUS keyword/tooltype, is used. If the
APPEND switch is present the current menu definition isn't cleared before
the new one is loaded so you can merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
APPEND - Merge mode.
Loads a new mouse button definition from the file with the given name. If
no name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.mousebuttons or the
name defined by the user at startup with the MOUSEBUTTONS keyword/tooltype,
is used. The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop
up if a button already exists. If the APPEND switch is present the current
definition will not be cleared before the new one is loaded, so you can
merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the 'OK to overwrite..' requester.
APPEND - Merge mode.
Loads a new requester definition from the file with the given name. If no
name is given the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.texts or the name
defined by the user at startup with the TEXTS keyword/tooltype, is used.
If the APPEND switch is present the current definition isn't cleared before
the new one is loaded so you can merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
APPEND - Merge mode.
Loads a new template configuration from the file with the given name. If
no name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.templates or the
name defined by you at startup with the TEMPLATES keyword/tooltype, is
used. The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop up
if a template already exists. If the APPEND switch is present the current
configuration will not be cleared before the new one is loaded, so you can
merge different definitions together.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the 'OK to overwrite..' requester.
APPEND - Merge mode.
LocalSettings ,
Bring up the LocalSettings control panel so the user may adjust the
settings, save or load them.
Convert characters to lower case in some different and useful ways.
The character under the cursor; the cursor is moved to the right.
The word beginning under and extending to the right of the cursor; the
cursor is moved to the right.
This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If given, the text to
the left of the cursor is changed instead of the text to the right. The
cursor is moved to the left.
Change the whole current line. The cursor is moved to the line below.
Change all characters from the start of the line to the cursor, not
including the character under the cursor. The cursor is moved to SOL.
Change all characters from the cursor, including the character under the
cursor, to the end of the line. The cursor is moved to EOL.
Change the currently selected block.
Turn on block mode in order to select a block; if block mode is already
engaged it will discontinue. If the COLUMNAR switch is given the block
selected will be of columnar type, else normal.
COLUMNAR - Switch to mark columnar blocks.
EdgeToBack ,
Move the Edge screen behind all other screens.
EdgeToFront ,
Bring the Edge screen in front of all other screens.
Inquire about, remove, change or add a mouse button command.
BUTTON - The mouse button click sequence to use.
QUALIFIER - The qualifiers to test for.
QUALMASK - The qualifiers to mask out before the qualifier test is made.
ASK - Use this switch to get the current command assigned to BUTTON.
FORCE - Suppresses the requester that will pop up if BUTTON already
COMMAND - The command to be assigned to BUTTON.
MouseButton DOUBLELEFT Q="shift" ask ; normally returns "markblock columnar".
MouseButton DOUBLELEFT Q="shift" ; remove the installed command.
MouseButton DOUBLELEFT Q="shift" markblock ; add it again.
MouseButton DOUBLELEFT Q="shift" force markblock columnar ; make it right
The old command assigned to BUTTON
Scrolls the text, but keeps the cursor on the same character. The text can
only be scrolled as long as the cursor is within the defined scrollborders.
UP - Number of lines to scroll up.
DOWN - Number of lines to scroll down.
LEFT - Number of characters to scroll left.
RIGHT - Number of characters to scroll right.
CENTER - Try to put the cursor in the middle of the window, the other
arguments are ignored if this switch is given.
Scrolls the Edge screen either to an absolute position or relative to the
current one. This is only possible if the screen size is bigger than the
actual display size, e.g. an autoscroll screen.
LEFTEDGE - Move the screen to this absolute x position.
TOPEDGE - Move the screen to this absolute y position.
DELTAX - Move the screen horizontally this amount relative to the
current x position.
DELTAY - Move the screen vertically this amount relative to the
current y position.
Creates a new file in Edge. You may specify a custom ARexx-address, the
initial window size/position, the initial zoomed size/position and the
initial path and name. If you don't supply any arguments defaults will be
used, unless the COPYLS switch is present - in which case the local
settings will be copied from the file executing the New command.
PORTNAME - ARexx port's address for this window.
LEFTEDGE - Window x position.
TOPEDGE - Window y position.
WIDTH - Window width.
HEIGHT - Window height.
ZOOMLEFTEDGE - Window zoomed x position.
ZOOMTOPEDGE - Window zoomed y position.
ZOOMWIDTH - Window zoomed width.
ZOOMHEIGHT - Window zoomed height.
PATH - The DOS path to use.
NAME - The name for this file.
COPYLS - Copies the local settings from the file executing the New
The file specified is not loaded. The new file will simply use that name
and path.
When running from ARexx, the host address is not changed to that of the new
window. In order to do so you must 'address value result' using the result
from this command.
The ARexx-address (ARexx port name) for the new window.
Inserts a new line in the text below the current one, but doesn't split the
current line. If NOINDENT is specified, NewLine will not Autoindent the
new line as it usually does if Autoindent is enabled. If INDENT is
specified Newlinw will indent the Newline regardless of the state of
Autoindent. If TOGGLEINDENT is specified Newline will do the opposite from
that specified by the Autoindent flAg I.E If Autoindent is on Newline
doesn't Indent and if Autoindent is off, then newline will indent the new
INDENT - Force an indent of the new line.
TOGGLEINDENT - Do the opposite as specified by the AutoIndent flag.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Move the cursor to the beginning of the next word or page.
WORD - Move to next word.
PAGE - Move to next page.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Nop ,
This command does nothing, which is sometimes useful.
Loads a new file into the current work area, and if multiple files are
specified, opens new work areas and loads those files too. If no names are
given, the user will be prompted with the FileRequester. The FORCE switch
suppresses the requester that will pop up if any changes have been made to
the current file, asking the user to confirm that losing the changes is OK.
If the RESTORELS switch is present the local settings will be loaded with
the default local settings before the new file is loaded. If not present,
the settings used in the old file will be kept, if not overridden by
variables saved in the new files icon. The PATH component is used to
specify a path for all files not having an absolute path specified within
Name(s) of the file(s) to load. No input here prompts the user to supply
name(s). The name(s) may contain wildcard characters.
Suppresses the requester prompting the user about losing any changes (this
only applies for the current file).
Loads the localsettings with default values before loading the new file
(this only applies for the current file).
Path for non-absolute file specifications.
Let's assume that the current directory in Edge is 'work:', then
open work:source.c source.c path myfiles
will open the files 'work:source.c' and 'work:myfiles/source.c' and
open work:source.c source.c path dh0:
will open the files 'work:source.c' and 'dh0:source.c'.
The name of the loaded file.
Loads a new file into one of the clipboards, local or global. If no
FILENAME is specified the user will be prompted with a FileRequester. If
the APPEND flag is specified, the loaded text is not just put into the
specified clip but joined to the end of what is already in the clip. With
this switch you can merge different files into the clip and then insert it
all in one go.
Path and name of the file to load, or nothing to prompt the user.
Switch to select the global clipboard; if not given, the local clipboard is
Merge mode.
The name of the loaded file.
Inserts the contents of one of the clips at the current cursor position.
If no switch is given, the contents of the local clip is inserted. When
using the globalclip, i.e. the system clipboard, you yourself must decide
how to insert it - Normal or Columnar.
Switch to select the global clip as a normal block.
Insert the globalclip as a columnar block.
Switch to select the small clip.
Positions the cursor absolutely at some useful locations. You can only
specify one switch at a time, except if you use LINE you may also use
Line to move to.
Column to move to.
Character to move to (byte offset from sol).
Move to Start of File.
Move to End of File.
Move to Start of Line.
Move to End of Line.
Move to Start of Word.
Move to End of Word.
Move to Start of Page.
Move to End of Page.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Previous WORD/S,PAGE/S
Moves cursor to the beginning of the previous word or page.
Move to the previous word.
Move to the previous page.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Prints either the local or global clip, depending on the GLOBALCLIP switch,
using the current printer settings. If the PROMPT switch is specified, the
Global Settings - Printer requester will be opened to let the user alter
the printer settings before printing the contents of the selected
clipboard. The changes are only for that print session, however, if the
PROMPT keyword is used.
Switch to select the global clipboard.
To allow the user to change the printer settings.
Prints the current file using the current printer settings. If the PROMPT
switch is specified the Global Settings - Printer requester will be opened
to let the user alter the printer settings before printing. The changes
are only for that print session, however, if PROMPT is used.
To allow the user to change the printer settings.
Puts a new value in an Edge environment variable.
Name of the variable to affect.
The new value.
NOTE: if VALUE starts with an underscore '_', it is assumed to be an Edge
environment variable.
The old value of the given variable.
The FORCEREXX Switch suppresses the requester that will pop up if any of
the windows have any outstanding ARexx messages (the requester is only
visually suppressed - the outstanding messages must return before the
editor can be unloaded). The FORCEOK switch suppresses the requester that
pops up if no changes are made and no ARexx messages are outstanding,
asking if quitting the file is OK. If the SAVE switch is present all
changes will be saved before Edge is closed. The ICON, NOICON, BACKUP and
NOBACKUP switches are used to force or suppress icon and backup creation
when saving.
If any window has outstanding ARexx messages, then Edge will wait for these
messages to return before unloading the editor.
If there are any Locks/Opens active to the Edge: disk then Edge will
refuse to close down and this command will fail.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user about losing any
FORCEREXX - Suppress the 'ARexx outstanding messages' requester.
FORCEOK - Suppress the 'OK to quit Edge' requester.
SAVE - Save the file(s) before closing down.
ICONS - Force creation of icons for all files saved.
NOICONS - Suppress icon creation for all files saved.
BACKUPS - Force creation of backups for all files saved.
NOBACKUPS - Suppress backup creation for all files saved.
Redo ,
Redo the undos.
Brings up the FileRequester so the user may select a file or directory.
TITLE - The title, or nothing for default.
PATH - The directory path, or nothing for the last used.
FILE - The preloaded filename, or nothing for the last used.
PATTERN - The wildcard pattern to use, or nothing for the last used.
DIR - The user selects a directory (no files listed).
SAVE - The filename selected will be used in a write operation (no
check is made to see if the file exists, but a validity check
is made on the filename).
GETDIR - Read the given directory at activation.
MULTISELECT - Enable multiselect, but only if SAVE and DIR isn't
The path and/or file the user selected. If MULTISELECT is enabled the
returned string will be a pattern, e.g. 'm:(a.c|b.c|c.c)'
Puts up the EnterAKey requester to prompt the user to input a key-sequence.
TITLE - The requester window title, or nothing for default.
ALTSAME - Set the state of the ALTSAME flag, 0 will clear it, any other
value will set it, if not specified the setting of ALTSAME in
_GE_Flags will be used. If ALTSAME is set left Alt and right
Alt are equal; i.e. it doesn't matter which Alt key is pressed.
SHIFTSAME - Set the state of the ALTSHIFT flag, 0 will clear it, any other
value will set it, if not specified the setting of ALTSHIFT in
_GE_Flags will be used. If SHIFTSAME is set left Shift and
right Shift are equal; i.e. it doesn't matter which Shift key
is pressed.
QMALT - Set the state of the QMALT flag, 0 will clear it, any other
value will set it, if not specified the setting of QMALT in
_GE_Flags will be used. If QMALT is set the Qualifier mask
will include Alt; i.e. the Alt keys as such are ignored.
QMSHIFT - Set the state of the QMSHIFT flag, 0 will clear it, any other
value will set it, if not specified the setting of QMSHIFT in
_GE_Flags will be used. If QMSHIFT is set the Qualifier mask
will include Shift; i.e. the Shift keys as such are ignored.
SAMPLE - Start sampling immediately; i.e. you don't have to click on
the 'Sample' gadget.
The key-sequence the user entered, as 'KEY="<key>" Q="<qualifier>"
QM="<qualifier mask>"'
RequestNotify TITLE/K,STRING/A/F
This requester is used to notify the user of something and it can only be
satisfied with an 'OK' type of response.
TITLE - The requester window title.
STRING - The actual message.
This requester is used to prompt the user for a decimal number.
TITLE - The requester window title, or nothing for default.
DEFAULT - The preloaded number.
MIN - The minimum value the user may enter.
MAX - The maximum value the user may enter.
SHOWLIMITS - Show the limits in a box under the string gadget.
The number the user entered.
This requester is used to prompt the user about an OK/cancel type of
TITLE - The requester window title, or nothing for default.
STRING - Text describing the matter the user is supposed to decide about.
PG - Specify text to replace 'OK' in the OK gadget.
NG - Specify text to replace 'Cancel' in the Cancel gadget.
This requester is used to prompt the user for a string. A special error
will be reported if the user enters a null-string and OK's the requester
with the RETURN key. If the TRANSLATE switch is given, 'non-printing'
characters will be translated to '\\xxx' in the result string. Edge
maintains a history of the RequestString (global) gadget. To cycle through
the list, simply use the Cursor Up/Down keys. Shift Cursor Down will move
to the start of the list and clear the gadget. Shift Cursor Up will search
the list for the string currently in the gadget (just like the shell).
None of the history files can be saved.
TITLE - The requester window title, or nothing for default.
DEFAULT - The preloaded string.
TRANSLATE - Translate 'non-printing' characters to '\\xxx'.
The string the user typed.
Sends an ARexx command to the specified port following the PORT keyword, or
to ARexx if no port is specified.
Sends an ARexx command asynchronously, or synchronously if SYNC is
specified. If no command is given, the user will be prompted with an
'Enter a String' requester. The user may then enter a string to send
(internal command, ARexx string-program, or the name of a script). If
FILEREQ, PATH, FILE or PATTERN is specified and no command is given, then
the user will be prompted with a FileRequester in order to select an
ARexx-script to run. When a command is sent synchronously, user input is
blocked in the sending window until the command returns. Asynchronous
commands do not block the sending window. This command cannot be nested;
i.e. you can't use RX to run RX again.
If the STOP switch is present and if a macro is currently being recorded,
recording will stop; all other arguments are ignored.
Edge maintains a history of the RX (local) string gadget. To cycle through
the list, simply use the Cursor Up/Down keys. Shift Cursor Up will move to
the top of the list; Shift Cursor Down will move to the bottom of the list.
Shift Cursor Down will move to the start of the list and clear the gadget.
Shift Cursor Up will search the list for the string currently in the gadget
(just like the shell). None of the history files can be saved.
SYNC - Send the command synchronously. No entry signifies
asynchronously sending the command.
COMMAND - The command string to send, or nothing to prompt the user.
FILEREQ - Bring up a FileRequester instead of an Enter a String requester.
PATH - Path specification for the FileRequester. If not specified the
last path used is used, initial default is 'Rexx:'.
FILE - File specification for the FileReqeuester. If not specified the
last file used is used, initial default is nothing.
PATTERN - Pattern matching string for the FileRequester. If not specified
the last pattern used is used, initial default is .edge.
STOP - Stop macro recording. Useful for ARexx scripts that should not be
callable from a recorded macro.
Saves the current file with the current name.
ICON - Force creation of an icon for the file.
NOICON - Suppress icon creation for the file.
BACKUP - Force creation of a backup for the file.
NOBACKUP - Suppress backup creation for the file.
The filename used to save the file.
Saves the current file with a new name. If the name is not given, the user
will be prompted with the FileRequester to enter a filename. The FORCE
switch suppresses the requester that will pop up if the file already
exists, asking the user if it is OK to overwrite it.
FILENAME - The new filename, or nothing to prompt the user.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
ICON - Force creation of an icon for the file.
NOICON - Suppress icon creation for the file.
BACKUP - Force creation of a backup for the file.
NOBACKUP - Suppress backup creation for the file.
The filename used to save the file.
Saves all files in Edge that have been changed, using their current name.
ICONS - Force creation of icons for all files saved.
NOICONS - Suppress icon creation for all files saved.
BACKUPS - Force creation of backups for all files saved.
NOBACKUPS - Suppress backup creation for all files saved.
Saves either the global or the local clip, depending on the GLOBALCLIP
switch, with the given name. If the filename is not present, the user will
be prompted with the FileRequester to specify a filename. The FORCE switch
is used to suppress the requester that will pop up if the selected file
already exists. If no icon switch is given icon creation will take place
as defined by the files ICON flag in _FE_Flags.
FILENAME - The name to use, or nothing to prompt the user.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
GLOBALCLIP - Select the global clipboard.
ICON - Force creation of an icon for the file.
NOICON - Suppress the creation of an icon for the file.
The filename used to save the clip.
Saves the dictionary to the file with the given name. If no name is given,
the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.dictionary or the name defined by you
at startup with the DICTIONARY keyword/tooltype, is used. The FORCE switch
is used to suppress the requester that will pop up if the file already
exists, asking you if overwriting is OK.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default Dictionary
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking you if overwriting is OK.
Saves the Edge environment variables to a file with the given name. If no
name is given, the user will be prompted with the FileRequester to enter a
filename. The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop
up if the selected file already exists. You may choose to save Global,
Local, Default Local or any mix of variables in the save file. PATTERN is
used to select which variables to save and supports @{"wildcard" link
DosWildCards} expansion. If no PATTERN is given all variables are enabled.
FILENAME - The filename to use, or nothing to prompt the user.
GE - Save Global environment variables.
LE - Save Local environment variables.
DEFLE - Save the Default Local environment variables.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
PATTERN - Pattern to select which variables to save, or nothing for all.
The filename used to save the preferences.
Saves the keyboard definition to a file with the given name. If no name is
given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.keyboard or the name defined
by the user at startup with the KEYBOARD keyword/tooltype, is used.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
Saves the menu definition to a file with the given name. If no name is
given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.menus or the name defined by
the user at startup with the MENUS keyword/tooltype, is used.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
Saves the mouse button configuration to the file with the given name. If
no name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.mousebuttons or the
name defined by you at startup with the MOUSEBUTTONS keyword/tooltype, is
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
Saves the text table configuration and Edge texts to the file with the
given name. If no name is given, the default name, either
EdgePrg:Edge.texts or the name defined by the user at startup with the
TEXTS keyword/tooltype, is used.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking the user if overwriting is OK.
Saves the template configuration to the file with the given name. If no
name is given, the default name, either EdgePrg:Edge.templates or the name
defined by you at startup with the TEMPLATES keyword/tooltype, is used.
The FORCE switch is used to suppress the requester that will pop up if the
file already exists, asking if overwriting is OK.
FILENAME - Name of the file to use, or nothing for the default one.
FORCE - Suppress the requester asking you if overwriting is OK.
Changes the Edge screen mode. You may alter the width, height, depth,
display mode and the 'pens' of the screen. Pen numbers should be color
register numbers consistent with the palette depth (number of colors):
A depth of 2 results in 4 colors in registers 0 - 3;
A depth of 3 results in 8 colors in registers 0 - 7;
A depth of 4 results in 16 colors in registers 0 - 15;
NOTE: The Background pen is always color 0.
MONITOR - Display to use e.g. 'PAL:Hires'
or 'NTSC:Hires-Interlace', or the name of a public
screen, e.g. 'Workbench:Use'.
WIDTH - The width of the screen, -1 for default.
HEIGHT - The height of the screen, -1 for default.
DEPTH - The number of bitplanes to use (1 - 3).
DETAILPEN - Compatible Intuition rendering pens
BLOCKPEN - Compatible Intuition rendering pens
TEXTPEN - Text on background
SHINEPEN - Bright edge on 3D objects
SHADOWPEN - Dark edge on 3D objects
FILLPEN - Active-window/selected-gadget fill
BACKGROUNDPEN - Always color 0
HIGHLIGHTTEXTPEN - Special color text, on background
NOTE: These pens are only available under Kickstart v39 or better
BARDETAILPEN - Text/detail in screen-bar/menus
BARBLOCKPEN - Screen-bar/menus fill
BARTRIMPEN - Trim under screen-bar
Selects a new current file to work with. Activates the first window in the
specified file for USER input. Take care when using this function from
ARexx, since the host address doesn't change. If you wish to change the
host address to that of the activated window you must 'address value
result' using the result from this function. If no filename and no
switches are given the user is prompted with a requester to enter a
Edge maintains a history of the Select (global) string gadget. To cycle
through the list, simply use the Cursor Up/Down keys. Shift Cursor Up will
move to the top of the list; Shift Cursor Down will move to the bottom of
the list. Shift Cursor Down will move to the start of the list and clear
the gadget. Shift Cursor Up will search the list for the string currently
in the gadget (just like the shell). None of the history files can be
FILENAME - Activate the first window in the given file; the search is made
ignoring the Edge path components.
FULLNAME - Activate the first window in the given file; the search is made
taking into account the Edge path componets.
TOP - Activate the first window in the first file.
BOTTOM - Activate the last window in the last file.
NEXT - Activate the next window in the window list.
PREVIOUS - Activate the previous window in the window list.
NEXT and PREVIOUS are circular, which means that if the current window is
the last one and you specify NEXT you will activate the first window in the
first file, and if the current window is the first one and you specify
PREVIOUS you will activate the last window in the last file.
You may only specify one of the switches at a time.
The ARexx-address of the activated window.
SetBookMark MARK/A/N
Sets a bookmark in the text. The mark number must be within the valid
range 1 - 10.
MARK - Bookmark number to use.
Swaps case on characters, to upper if lower; and to lower if upper, in some
different and useful ways.
CHAR - Change the character under the cursor. The cursor is moved to the
WORD - Change the word beginning under and extending to the right of the
cursor. The cursor is moved to the right.
BACK - This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If BACK is
used, the text to the LEFT of the cursor is changed instead of the
text to the right. The cursor is moved to the left.
LINE - Change the entire current line. The cursor is moved to the line
SOL - Change all characters from the start of the line to the cursor,
not including the character under the cursor. The cursor is moved
to SOL.
EOL - Change all characters from the cursor, including the character
under the cursor, to the end of the line. The cursor is moved to
BLOCK - Change the currently selected block.
Inquires about, removes or adds a template to the template configuration.
TEMPLATE - The template you wish to affect.
ASK - Switch used to inquire about the fill-text currently assigned
to the given TEMPLATE.
FILL - The fill-text you wish to assign to the given TEMPLATE. To
include non-printing characters use decimal codes: '\\xxx'
e.g. '\\169' = '-' '\\065' = 'A', '\\010' = LF, etc.
FORCE - Switch to suppress the 'OK to overwrite' requester that will
pop up if TEMPLATE already exists.
Template ff ask ; inquire about template 'ff'
Template ff force ; remove template 'ff'; i.e. assign it a fill-text ''.
The old fill-text assigned to TEMPLATE.
Inserts or overwrites characters in the file at the current cursor
position. The characters to be written must be quoted, and in order to use
non-printable characters use backslash and a three digit decimal number,
e.g. "\\010" for LF, "\\009" for TAB, "\\065" for A, etc. Normally the
characters are inserted one by one and are affected by AUTOINDENT,
CORRECTCASE and WORDWRAP. However - if the RAW switch is specified, then
the text is inserted as a block in one go which is much faster, but
TEXT - The characters to be inserted.
The new position will be returned with the format:
Line Offset Column ASCII
All fields are decimal numbers.
Undo ,
To undo changes made to the file.
Converts characters to upper case in some different and useful ways.
CHAR - Change the character under the cursor. The cursor is moved to the
WORD - Change the word beginning under and extending to the right of the
cursor. The cursor is moved to the right.
BACK - This flag only works together with CHAR and WORD. If BACK is
used, the text to the LEFT of the cursor is changed instead of the
text to the right. The cursor is moved to the left.
LINE - Change the entire current line. The cursor is moved to the line
SOL - Change all characters from the start of the line to the cursor,
not including the character under the cursor. The cursor is moved
to SOL.
EOL - Change all characters from the cursor, including the character
under the cursor, to the end of the line. The cursor is moved to
BLOCK - Change the currently selected block.
Wakeup ,
Uniconifies Edge, if iconified; else does nothing.
This is a powerful window manipulating command. It will allow you to split
a window into two windows, vertically or horizontally, close a window,
snapshot a window so that the next time you load the file the window will
have the same size and position (providing you have elected to save the
local settings with the file), resize, zip, zoom, unzoom and move a window
in front of all windows or behind all windows.
SPLITVERTICAL - Split the current window in two, vertically.
SPLITHORIZONTAL - Split the current window in two, horizontally.
CLOSE - Close the current window.
FORCE - Suppress the requester that will pop up if this window
is the last one in the file and the file contains
changes, asking if losing the changes is OK.
FORCEREXX - Suppress the 'ARexx outstanding msg' requester that will
appear if running this command from ARexx, or if any
other scripts are still out there.
FORCEOK - Suppress the 'OK to quit file 'xx'' requester that will pop
up if this window is the last in the file and no changes
are made.
SNAPSHOT - Snapshot the current window.
MAX - Resize the current window to its maximum size.
MIN - Resize the current window to its minimum size.
FRONT - Bring the current window in front of all other windows.
BACK - Move the current window behind all other windows.
ZOOM - Zoom the current window.
UNZOOM - UnZoom the current window.
ZIP - Either Zoom or UnZoom the current window depending on
its current state (zoomed or unzoomed).
If a window is Zoomed when you make a snapshot, the size/position will be
stored in the zoom size/position variables.
The result returned from this command is the state the window was in BEFORE
it was changed, zoomed, min, max, etc.
The window position, size and ARexx-address is returned with the format: X
x, Y y, W w, H h, ARexx-address, ZoomFlag ('Zoomed' or 'UnZoomed') x, y, w
and h are decimal numbers. X, Y, W, and H are the actual letter.
Here is a typical result string returned:
X 0, Y 0, W 640, H 200, EDGE1.1.1, UnZoomed
Displays a message in the title bar of the current ARexx command host's
text window, and shows it for DISPLAYTIME seconds. If no DISPLAYTIME is
given the message will be displayed for 4 seconds.
MESSAGE - Message text to show.
DISPLAYTIME - How long to show it, no entry uses default which is 4.
The Edge environment variables and flags.
Edge has one global environment that contains settings used by all files,
and then each file has its own local environment as well. The local
environment is actually divided into 2 parts, one large section, the File
environment, and then for each window in the file a small section known as
the Window environment.
NOTE: There is no file for window environment variables since they are
dynamic and depend on the opened window conditions. The window variables
are accessible through GetEnvVar and PutEnvVar.
Actual Environment Files
These environment, or prefs, files may also contain an INCLUDE directive to
include another prefs file into the current one. INCLUDEs may be nested up
to 8 levels deep before an error is reported.
Global Environment Variables
_GE_ASLHeight Read Write The ASL Requester height stored here.
_GE_ASLWidth Read Write The ASL Requester width stored here.
_GE_AutoSaveTimer Read Write Time between autosaves. (minutes)
_GE_BarHeight Read Only Window title bar height, calculated as:
WBorTop + RastPort.TxHeight + 1
_GE_ClipUnit Read Write 'clipboard.device' unit number use by
the global clip, normally this is 0,
system default clipboard, so that you
may exchange data with other programs.
Should you wish to create a 'private'
global clip just change this variable.
_GE_ClockLeftEdge Read Write The pixel X position for the Edge
_GE_CloseDelay Read Write Close delay for the ARexx console, in
_GE_CurrentDir Read Only Current directory path.
_GE_CX_PopKey Read Write Hotkey description, 31 chars.
_GE_CX_Priority Read Write Hotkey priority.
_GE_Date Read Only String containing current time and
_GE_DevName Read Only The editor device name, e.g. "EDGE"
_GE_DictionaryFile Read Only Filename of the dictionary file.
_GE_DirInk Read Write Text pen for FileRequester
directories. This option is only
available with Kickstart v39 or higher.
_GE_ErrLevel Read Write Threshold for errors reported to the
_GE_ErrListX Read Write X coordinate for the Error list window
in GotoError.
_GE_ErrListY Read Write Y coordinate for the Error list window
in GotoError.
_GE_FileInit Read Write Init string for printing file, 127
_GE_FileInk Read Write Text pen for FileRequester files. This
option is only available with
Kickstart v39 or higher.
_GE_Files Read Only Number of files in Edge.
_GE_FindX Read Write X coordinate for Find/FindReplace.
_GE_FindY Read Write Y coordinate for Find/FindReplace.
_GE_Flags Read Write General flags, see
Global Environment Flags - General
_GE_FontFlags Read Only Soft Style flags, see
Global Environment Flags - Font
_GE_FootInit Read Write Footer init string, 127 chars.
_GE_FootTitle Read Write Footer title, 127 chars.
_GE_GadgetFontName Read Only Name of the gadget font, use empty
string "" for system default font,
max 31 chars.
_GE_GadgetFontSize Read Only Size of the gadget font, 6 to 64,
values out of range will be set to the
nearest limit.
_GE_GlobalFile Read Only Filename of the global settings prefs
_GE_GlobalPattern Read Write GlobalSettings FileReq pattern, 31
_GE_GlobalX Read Write X coordinate for GlobalSettings.
_GE_GlobalY Read Write Y coordinate for GlobalSettings.
_GE_HeadInit Read Write Header init string, 127 chars.
_GE_HeadTitle Read Write Header title, 127 chars.
_GE_IconWindowX Read Write Left edge for iconified Edge window.
_GE_IconWindowY Read Write Top edge for iconified Edge window.
_GE_InfoInk Read Write Text pen for status line.
_GE_InfoPaper Read Write Background pen for status line.
_GE_ItemInk Read Write Text pen for menu items.
_GE_KeyboardFile Read Only Filename of the keyboard config file.
_GE_LeftMargin Read Write Printer left margin.
_GE_ListInk Read Write Text pen for lists-view gadgets.
This option is only available
with Kickstart v39 or better.
_GE_LocalFile Read Only Filename of the local settings prefs
_GE_LocalLoadMask Read Write Pattern for variables to be loaded
from the files icon, 1023 chars.
_GE_LocalSaveMask Read Write Pattern for variables to be saved in
the files icon, 1023 chars.
_GE_LockCount Read Only Locks made to 'EDGE:'.
_GE_LocalX Read Write X coordinate for LocalSettings.
_GE_LocalY Read Write Y coordinate for LocalSettings.
_GE_MaxLast Read Write Max entries in the Last-Used list.
_GE_MemPoolPudSize Read Write The size of the memory pool puddle
value: minimum size 4096 bytes, no
maximum value.
_GE_MenusFile Read Only Filename of the menus config file.
_GE_MessageInk Read Write Text pen for messages.
_GE_Monitor Read Only Name of the monitor to use, 255 chars.
_GE_MouseButtonsFile Read Only Filename of the mousebuttons config
_GE_Palette Read Write The Edge custom screen palette. The
palette is made up of hexadecimal RGB
values, starting at pen 0. e.g. pen 0
R,G,B, pen 1 R,G,B, ... pen 15 R,G,B
_GE_PaperLen Read Write Printer paper length.
_GE_Printer Read Write Printer device, e.g. 'PRT:', 31 chars.
_GE_Priority Read Write Edge process priority.
_GE_PrtFlags Read Write Printer flags, see
@{"Global Environment Flags - Printer" link globalenvflags}
_GE_PunctuationMarks Read Write String of characters that marks the end
of a sentence, used by Format.
Defaults to "!.?", max 31 characters.
_GE_RealGadgetFontName Read Only Actual name of the gadget font.
_GE_RealGadgetFontSize Read Only Actual size of the gadget font.
_GE_RealScreenFontName Read Only Actual name of the screen font.
_GE_RealScreenFontSize Read Only Actual size of the screen font.
_GE_RealScreenHeight Read Only The actual screen height in pixels.
_GE_RealScreenWidth Read Only The actual screen width in pixels.
_GE_RealTextFontName Read Only actual name of the text font.
_GE_RealTextFontSize Read Only actual size of the text font.
_GE_ReqChoiceX Read Write X coordinate for RequestChoice.
_GE_ReqChoiceY Read Write Y coordinate for RequestChoice.
_GE_ReqFile Read Only Filename of the req config file.
_GE_ReqKeyX Read Write X position of RequestKey window when
not pointer relative.
_GE_ReqKeyY Read Write Y position of RequestKey window when
not pointer relative.
_GE_ReqFileX Read Write X coordinate for RequestFile (and ASL).
_GE_ReqFileY Read Write Y coordinate for RequestFile (and ASL).
_GE_ReqNotifyX Read Write X coordinate for RequestNotify.
_GE_ReqNotifyY Read Write Y coordinate for RequestNotify.
_GE_ReqNumberX Read Write X coordinate for RequestNumber.
_GE_ReqNumberY Read Write Y coordinate for RequestNumber.
_GE_ReqStringX Read Write X coordinate for RequestString.
_GE_ReqStringY Read Write Y coordinate for RequestString.
_GE_RexxConsole Read Write ARexx IO name, e.g. "con:...", 127
_GE_RexxMsgOut Read Only Total number of ARexx messages sent.
_GE_RightMargin Read Write Printer right margin.
_GE_ScreenDepth Read Only Edge screen depth, 2 to 4, values out
of range will be set to the nearest
_GE_ScreenFontName Read Only Name of the gadget font, use empty
string "" for system default font,
max 31 chars.
_GE_ScreenFontSize Read Only Size of the screen font, 6 to 64,
values out of range will be set to the
nearest limit.
_GE_ScreenHeight Read Only Edge screen height.
_GE_ScreenName Read Only Name of the screen Edge is using.
_GE_ScreenPens Read Only The Edge custom screen dri pens,
defaults to 2,1,1,2,1,3,1,0,3,1,2,0.
The pens are in the same order as the
arguments to ScreenMode.
_GE_ScreenWidth Read Only Edge screen width.
_GE_ScreenX Read Only Screen relative x offset.
_GE_ScreenY Read Only Screen relative y offset.
_GE_ScrollJumpH1 Read Write Scroll smoothness for 1 char
left/right. A value of -1 indicates
the width of the current font.
_GE_ScrollJumpHn Read Write Scroll smoothness for n chars
left/right. A value of -1 indicates
the width of the current font.
_GE_ScrollJumpV1 Read Write Scroll smoothness for 1 line up/down.
A value of -1 indicates the height of
the current font.
_GE_ScrollJumpVn Read Write Scroll smoothness for n lines up/down.
A value of -1 indicates the height of
the current font.
_GE_SpacesAfterPunctuation Read Write Holds the designated number of
spaces between the punctuation at the
end of a sentence and the start of
the next sentence to the given
number during paragraph formatting.
Default = 2. Min 1, Max 10
_GE_StartupFile Read Only Filename of the startup script.
_GE_TabDistance Read Write Printer tab distance.
_GE_TemplatesFile Read Only Filename of the templates file.
_GE_TextFontName Read Only Name of the text font, use empty
string "" for system default font,
max 31 chars.
_GE_TextFontSize Read Only Size of the text font, 6 to 64,
values out of range will be set to the
nearest limit.
_GE_TextInk Read Write Text pen for text.
NOTE: The number of bitplanes used
when scrolling, etc, the text
depends only on the color used,
so for best speed and look you
should select a pen that is a
2^n number; i.e. 1, 2, or 4.
NOTE: The colors used to mark blocks
are located in one of the
planes not used by the text,
so if you specify a text color
that uses all bitplanes, you
will not be able to see the
block marking.
_GE_ToolName Read Write The project-icon toolname, 127 chars.
_GE_User0 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User1 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User2 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User3 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User4 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User5 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User6 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User7 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User8 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_User9 Read Write User variable - 127 chars.
_GE_UserFlags Read Write User Flags, ignored by Edge. This
field contains 32 flags 'F1 - 'F32',
all available to the user.
_GE_VisualScreenHeight Read Only Pixel height of visual screen area.
_GE_VisualScreenWidth Read Only Pixel width of the visual screen area.
_GE_WakeupFile Read Only Filename of the wakeup script.
_GE_Windows Read Only This holds the number of windows opened.
_GE_WndActComm Read Write Command to execute when a text window
goes active, 127 chars, default "".
_GE_WndCloseComm Read Write Command to execute when the user
clicks on a textwindow closegadget,
127 chars, default "window close".
_GE_WndDeActComm Read Write Command to execute when a text window
goes inactive, 127 chars, default "".
_GE_WndFlags Read Write Window flags, see
Global Environment Flags - Window
_GE_WordDelimiters Read Write The word-delimiter list. The string is
256 digits long, one digit for each
character, consisting of '0', '1' and
'2'. If the digit is a '1' the
character is a 'word' character
('a', 'b', etc), if the digit is a '2'
the character is a 'space' character
(' ','\\t' and '\\n') and if the digit
is a '0' then the character is neither
a 'word' nor a 'space' ('.',':', etc).
Global Environment Flags - General ( _GE_Flags )
AltSame In RequestKey both Alt keys the same; no left or right.
AppIcon Puts an application icon on Workbench.
ASLReq Use the ASL filerequester.
AutoClock Enable clock if an Edge window is active, disable clock when
no Edge window is active and not blocked by a requester.
AutoDir Auto 'GetDir' when the FileRequesters directory attributes
(path name and date) don't match with those of the
specified directory.
AutoSaveAll Save all files in the editor.
AutoSaveChng Save only if any changes have been made.
AutoSaveOn Auto save is active.
AutoSaveReq Prompt the user before auto-saving.
CacheDir The FileRequester caches directories.
Clock Enable clock always.
DornamtQuit Iconify instead of quit when the last window is closed.
Edge will NOT iconify if there are any outstanding ARexx
messages. All ARexx messages must return before Edge will
GlobalIcon Create icon for GlobalSettings file.
IconWindow Open a window on workbench when iconified.
LoadLocal Load LocalSettings from icons.
LocalIcon Create icon for LocalSettings file.
MouseBlanker Enable the Edge mouse pointer blanker.
QMAlt In RequestKey both Alts keys ignored as qualifiers.
QMShift In RequestKey both Shift keys ignored as qualifiers.
SaveLocal Save LocalSettings in icons.
ShiftSame In RequestKey both Shift keys the same; no left or right.
ShowDir Show dir/files during directory reads.
CutRepeat Cut off overflowing 'REPEAT' keys.
Global Environment Flags - Window ( _GE_WndFlags )
AutoFront Auto move the window in front at activation.
AutoUnZoom Auto unzoom window at activation.
AutoZoom Auto zoom window at deactivation.
ChoicePRel RequestChoice is pointer relative.
ErrListPRel Error list, GoToError, is pointer relative.
FilereqPRel RequestFile or ASL is pointer relative.
FindPRel Find/FindReplace is pointer relative.
GlobalPRel GlobalSettings is pointer relative.
InfoTop Put status line at top of window.
KeyPad Use 'KEYPAD' qualifier.
KeyPRel RequestKey is pointer relative.
LocalPRel LocalSettings is pointer relative.
NotifyPRel RequestNotify is pointer relative.
NumerPRel RequestNumber is pointer relative.
ScrScroll Autoscroll the screen when the cursor moves beyond the
visible part of the screen. This feature works only on
Kickstart v39 or better.
SnapSize Auto snap window size to even chars.
StringPRel RequestString is pointer relative.
Global Environment Flags - Printer ( _GE_PrtFlags )
FootDate Put date in footer.
FootName Put filename in footer.
FootPage Put page # in footer.
HeadDate Put date in header.
HeadName Put filename in header.
HeadPage Put page # in header.
SpacesToTabs Convert spaces to tabs using internal tabs.
TabsToSpaces Convert tabs to spaces using internal tabs.
Global Environment Flags - Font ( _GE_FontFlags )
GadgetBold Bold style on gadget font.
GadgetItalic Italic style on gadget font.
GadgetScale Allow font scaling for gadget font.
GadgetUnderline Underline gadget font.
ScreenBold Bold style on screen font.
ScreenItalic Italic style on screen font.
ScreenScale Allow font scaling for screen font.
ScreenUnderline Underline screen font.
TextBold Bold style on text font.
TextItalic Italic style on text font.
TextScale Allow font scaling for text font.
TextUnderline Underline text font.
File environment variables
_FE_BackDir Read Write Backup directory path, max 95 chars.
_FE_BackFile Read Write Backup file. If this field is blank the
default backup file, *{#}, will be used,
max 31 chars. * = the name of the file.
# = current backup counter for this file.
_FE_Changes Read Only Number of changes made to this file.
_FE_ClipPath Read Write Path for the FileRequester used by the
clip commands, 95 chars.
_FE_ClipPattern Read Write Pattern for the FileRequester used by the
clip commands, 31 chars.
_FE_DosName Read Write Full name, e.g. "dh0:work/mysource.c",
126 chars.
_FE_FindString Read Write The current find-string, 1023 chars
_FE_Flags Read Write Flag field, see File Environment Flags.
_FE_FoldEnd Read Write Fold end marker, max 31 chars,
default '/*fe*/'.
_FE_FoldStart Read Write Fold start marker, max 31 chars,
default '/*fs*/'.
_FE_Height Read Write Window height, -1 for default.
_FE_IMark Read Write IMark image, used by FindIMark,
max 31 chars.
_FE_IncludePath Read Write Path for Include FileRequester,
max 95 chars.
_FE_IncludePattern Read Write Pattern for Include FileRequester,
max 31 chars.
_FE_LeftEdge Read Write Window left edge, -1 for default.
_FE_LeftSB Read Write Left scroll border.
_FE_Lines Read Only Number of lines in the file.
_FE_LockCount Read Only Locks made to this file.
_FE_LoweSB Read Write Lower scroll border.
_FE_LocalPath Read Write Path for the FileRequester used by the
LocalSettings command, 95 chars.
_FE_LocalPattern Read Write Pattern for the FileRequester used by the
LocalSettings command, 31 chars.
_FE_MarkChar1 Read Write Bookmark 1, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar10 Read Write Bookmark 10, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar2 Read Write Bookmark 2, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar3 Read Write Bookmark 3, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar4 Read Write Bookmark 4, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar5 Read Write Bookmark 5, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar6 Read Write Bookmark 6, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar7 Read Write Bookmark 7, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar8 Read Write Bookmark 8, character offset.
_FE_MarkChar9 Read Write Bookmark 9, character offset.
_FE_MarkLine1 Read Write Bookmark 1, line number.
_FE_MarkLine10 Read Write Bookmark 10, line number.
_FE_MarkLine2 Read Write Bookmark 2, line number.
_FE_MarkLine3 Read Write Bookmark 3, line number.
_FE_MarkLine4 Read Write Bookmark 4, line number.
_FE_MarkLine5 Read Write Bookmark 5, line number.
_FE_MarkLine6 Read Write Bookmark 6, line number.
_FE_MarkLine7 Read Write Bookmark 7, line number.
_FE_MarkLine8 Read Write Bookmark 8, line number.
_FE_MarkLine9 Read Write Bookmark 9, line number.
_FE_MaxBackups Read Write Maximum number of backup copies to be
_FE_Name Read Write Name of the file, e.g. "mysource.c",
max 31 chars.
_FE_OpenCount Read Only Opens made to this file.
_FE_PageLen Read Write Page length for this file, minimum 1.
_FE_Path Read Write Path for this file, e.g. "dh0:work/",
max 95 chars.
_FE_Pattern Read Write Pattern for Open/Save FileRequester,
max 31 chars.
_FE_ReplaceString Read Write The current replace-string,
max 1023 chars
_FE_RequestFilePath Read Write Path for the FileRequester used by the
RequestFile command, 95 chars.
_FE_RequestFilePattern Read Write Pattern for the FileRequester used by the
RequestFile command, 31 chars.
_FE_RightSB Read Write Right scroll border.
_FE_RXName Read Write File for the FileRequester used by the
RX command, 31 chars, default "".
_FE_RXPath Read Write Path for the FileRequester used by the
RX command, 95 chars, default "Rexx:".
_FE_RXPattern Read Write Pattern for the FileRequester used by
the RX command, max 31 chars,
default #?.edge DosWildCards.
_FE_RXString Read Write Current string in the RX buffer,
max 1023 chars
_FE_SavedChar Read Write Cursor offset when file was saved.
_FE_SavedLine Read Write Cursor line when file was saved.
_FE_Size Read Only Byte-size of the file.
_FE_SmallClip Read Write The small clipboard buffer string,
max 1023 chars.
_FE_SmallClipType Read Write Type of clip, 0==normal, 1==columnar.
_FE_TabList Read Write Tab stop list, 254 chars.
_FE_TopEdge Read Write Window top edge, -1 for default.
_FE_TopPtr Read Only Pointer to the first line.
_FE_UndoBuff Read Write Byte-size of the undo buffer.
_FE_UpperSB Read Write Upper scroll border.
_FE_User0 Read Write Ten user variables, these are ignored
_FE_User1 Read Write by Edge, max 127 chars.
_FE_User2 Read Write
_FE_User3 Read Write
_FE_User4 Read Write
_FE_User5 Read Write
_FE_User6 Read Write
_FE_User7 Read Write
_FE_User8 Read Write
_FE_User9 Read Write
_FE_UserFlags Read Write User flags, these are ignored by Edge,
contains 32 flags 'F1' - 'F32'.
_FE_Width Read Write Window width, -1 for default.
_FE_Windows Read Only Number of open windows in this file.
_FE_WrapBorder Read Write Right border for Word Wrap and Format.
_FE_ZoomHeight Read Write Window initial zoomed height,
-1 for default.
_FE_ZoomLeftEdge Read Write Window initial zoomed left edge,
-1 for default.
_FE_ZoomTopEdge Read Write Window initial zoomed top edge,
-1 for default.
_FE_ZoomWidth Read Write Window initial zoomed width,
-1 for default.
File Environment Flags ( _FE_Flags )
AutoIndent Auto indent enabled.
Backup Make a backup when saving.
Circular Search circular.
CorrectCase Case correction enabled.
Editable The file is editable.
Forward Search forward in the file.
Icon Create icon for this file.
Insert Insert mode. (else overwrite mode)
Layout Layout enabled.
LineWrap Cursor wrap at line end/start.
SafeSaves Do safe saves.
ShowSpaces Show white spaces as '·' = space, '°' = tab and '¶' = LF.
TabsToSpaces Convert tabs to spaces.
UCEqlc Upper case is equal to lower case.
Wild Use wildcards in search.
Words Search only for whole words.
WordWrap Word Wrap enabled.
Window environment variables
These variables are dependent upon the open window in Edge and are not kept
in a file like the Global Enviroment variables '_GE_xxx', and the local
environment variables named '_FE_xxx'. Instead they are dynamic and
accessible whenever a window is open. Use the GetEnvVar and PutEnvVar
commands to change these.
_WE_ASCII Read Only Ascii value of the character under the
_WE_ByteColumn Read Only Byte offset from start of line to the current
cursor position.
_WE_ByteOffset Read Only Byte offset from start of file to the current
cursor position.
_WE_CLine Read Only The raw contents of the current line.
_WE_Column Read Only Current column number, first column is 0.
_WE_Columns Read Only Number of chars that will fit in the window.
_WE_CursorX Read Only Current cursor X position, 1st column is 0.
_WE_CursorY Read Only Current cursor Y position, first line is 0.
_WE_Line Read Only Current line number, first line is 0.
_WE_Lines Read Only Number of lines that will fit in the window.
_WE_Page Read Only Page number, first page is 1.
_WE_RexxMsgOut Read Only The number of ARexx messages sent from this
_WE_RexxPort Read/Write Name of this window's ARexx port, max 15 chars.
Dos Wildcards
The Amiga's Pattern Matching Wildcards...
? Matches any single character. For example, FI?E would
match FILE, FINE and FIRE but not FIE.
# Matches the following expression 0 or more times. For
example, FRE#D would match FRE, FRED, FREDD, FREDDD, etc.
#? will match anything.
(a|b|c) Matches any one of the items seperated by '|'. For
example, (D#?G|C#?T) would match DOG, CAT, DIG, COT, etc.
~ The tilde, the upper left key on most keyboards, negates
the following expression. It matches all strings that do
not match the expression. For example, F~(ROG)#? will
match FROM but not FROG. ~J#? will match anything not
starting with the letter J.
[abc] A character class: matches only the characters in the
class. For example, a[bcd] will match ab, ac and ad but
not ae.
[~abc] The tilde here indicates a negated character class: matches
only the characters not in the class. For example, a[~bc]
will match ad and ae but not ab and ac.
[a-z] Character range (only within character classes). For
example, [a-z] represents all the lowercase letters from a
to z. [a-cx-z]#? would match any name starting with the
letters a, b, c, x, y or z.
% Matches the null string. For example, CA(M|%)P will match
' The apostrophe, found on most keyboards just to the left of
the return key. This character is used to declare the
following character to be a literal character, instead of a
possible wildcard symbol. This permits you to use the
characters #, ?, |, %, (, ), [, ], *, ~ and even an
apostrophe as themselves. For example, YEAR#?'% will match
YEAR1989%, YEAR1990% but not YEAR1989 or YEAR1990 as would
normally be the case
The term "expression", above, means either a single character (ex: "#?"),
or an alternation (ex: "#(ab|cd|ef)"), or a character class (ex:
More Pattern Matching Examples:
A?B Matches any three letter names beginning with A and
ending with B, such as AcB, AzB and alb.
A#BC Matches any name beginning with A, ending with C and
having any number of Bs in between, such as AC, ABC,
ABBC, ABBBC and so on.
A#(BC) Matches any name beginning with A and followed by any
number of BC combinations, such as ABC, ABCBC, ABCBCBC
and so on.
A(B|C)D Matches ABD or ACD.
ABC#? Matches any name beginning with ABC, reqardless of what
follows, such as ABCD, ABCDEF.info or ABCXYZ.
#?XYZ Matches any names ending in XYZ, requardless of what
precedes it, such as ABCXYZ and ABCDEFXYZ.
[A-D]#? Matches any name beginning with A, B, C or D.
~(XYZ) Matches anything but XYZ.
~(#?XYZ) Matches anything not ending in XYZ.
A(B|D|%)#C Matches ABC, ADC, AC (% is the null string), ABCC,
ADCC, ACCC and so on.
ARexx Help
ARexx specific information...
The ARexx Cookbook, by Merrill Callaway
WHITESTONE, 511-A Girard SE, Albuquerque, NM 87106 (505) 268-0678
($54.90 book & two example disks postage paid).
Amiga Programmer's Guide to ARexx, by Eric Giguere
Commodore-Amiga, Inc., 1991
Using ARexx on the Amiga, by Chris Zamara and Nick Sullivan
Abacus, 1991
ISBN 1-55755-114-6
There are ARexx forums on BIX, CompuServe, GENIE and PORTAL.
Rexx scripting information...
Practical Usage of REXX, by Anthony S. Rudd
Ellis Horwood/Simon & Schuster, 1990
ISBN 0-13-682790-X
Programming in REXX, by Charles Danny
McGraw Hill, 1992
ISBN 0-07-15305-1
The REXX Handbook, edited by Gabe Goldberg and Phil Sullivan
McGraw Hill, 1991
ISBN 0-07-023682-8
The Rexx standard...
The REXX Language, 2nd edition, by M.F. Cowlishaw
Prentice-Hall, 1985
ISBN 0-13-780651
This book is considered the current standard for the REXX language. It is
often just referred to as either "TRL" or "The Red Book". Until ANSI,
committee X3J18, releases its standard, this book is IT.
Copyright Information
Edge v1.70
(c) Copyright 1992-93, Thomas liljetoft, All Rights Reserved
The following copyright and licensing information refers only to Amiga
Installer and AmigaGUIDE files contained in this package.
Installer Version 2.17
(c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.
AmigaGuide and AmigaGuide.info Version 34.3
AmigaGuide.Library Version 34.11
(c) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduced and distributed under license from Commodore.
Technical Support Information
Technical support is only available to registered users, so don't forget to
send in your registration card. Feel free to write/fax to the USA address
with suggestions and comments about Edge.
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We have conference areas on...
BIX inovatronics
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